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Archive for May, 2006

Give Your Family Big Hug Please

May 12th, 2006 at 06:26 am

What a sad week this week has been around here. DF-D mother passed away last Sunday after a long illness. Today is being buried in New Zealand. This morning I am told that DF-M granddaughter died after having three wisdom teeth remove in hospital this week. She died within 24 hours. It was found out later that she had leukemia and no one had any idea. She was only in her twenties too! So I am very sad today and alone here with everyone away. PLEASE GIVE YOUR FAMILY A BIG HUG FROM ME OR RING THEM TO-NIGHT.

Thrift Shopping

May 11th, 2006 at 08:15 pm

I walked up to the local shops today and visited a few of our local thrift shops there. I am lucky that I have cluster of them in the one area, six of them in all within walking distances of my home. I visited three plus the Charity Street Stall on Thursday’s, that is set up outside the supermarket as well! I got most of my bargain there today.

I bought few items at two of thrift shops but most of it at the street stall.
Here a list the items that I bought today:
Two Cookbooks that are part of a series that I am collecting $3.00 as new value $10.00
Brand Name Glasses Case 50c as new value $12.95
Oral-B Toothbrush Refills Pack of 2 $1.00 …as new value $20.00 (Never opened as new)
Old Freezer Cookbook $1.00 (value 2nd bookshop price $5.00)
Costa Moda (up market) Top $1.00 as new value $55.00 as new in my size too!
24 Pottery Mini Novelty - $2.00 (cost around $2- $4 each at pottery store). as new value $56.00
(They are cute, ideal for gifts & some for wrapping novelty ties. Four are for my collection of miniature owls which is why I bought them in the first place.)

98% of items I bought have never been used, only one book which I value at 2nd hand.

If I went and bought each item at it’s original source new, I would had to find an extra $154 today!

I saw another couple of items @ 10% or less than original price that may make a nice gift fillers too! More items for that suitcase that’s under the bed. MMMMM

I went to chemist but found that I had the wrong prescription so I will need to go back again to-morrow. (Mad at myself) I went to Hungry Jack’s for Morning Tea, seeing that I was near by and got another 30c cone & more free coffee, two cups cappuccino this time with my senior card that was a saving of $4.90. I bought some pet food on the way home that was on special too! $8.90 for 3 boxes saving $1.20

Today’s Full Price Tally $174.75
Today’s Savings - $ 154.35
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $697.50

Chiro Visit

May 10th, 2006 at 09:56 pm

I did a lot of household chores this morning before I caught the bus to the City to visit my Chiro. This is a regular monthly visit for my birth defect in my hips and now Arthritis that I have. It will never fix the problem but it helps it somewhat. I get treatment at student/pensioner rates. Then a medical fund refund also! Normally its around $45.00 per visit. Because of a survey that I filled out for them some months back. I got $6.00 off my pensioner rate this time, and I paid $33.00 so after the refund I am only out pocket $13.60 this time! On a Full visit saving of $31.40 Next month’s Chiro Bill will be a WHOOPER, as I will be paying for a whole year in advance. But with bank interest is so low here and getting over 10% discount off per visit off. As I have saved this money in my Bill A/c it’s worth it. You only get the medical refunds after each visit, which I re-banking for next year bill. More about it next month!

I bought lunch out today, another two for one deal, and free coffee plus a single cone. I like my 30c cones too! Saving $7.70

I went to Lifeline in the city today, which is THE up-market Thrift Shop here. Where all the Antiques and High Price Brands Names goods are sold. Got a book for $2.00 but most was around the $8.00 to $18.00 there. I did see great sets of Ladies & Gents watches in original boxes NEW, for $50.00 the set. Nearly bought a set but I didn’t need them. I bought a few items at Chinese markets in the city for $7.00 saved over $4.00 there.

Today’s Full Price Tally $ 72.40
Today’s Savings - $45.10
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $543.15

Bulk Assets Shopping in My Storage Areas

May 9th, 2006 at 10:05 pm

Fitted & flats sheets are required. I did have some a few years before I retired so it times to find them. Oh Boy docket said I paid $7 each from them. That would now be 428% saving on today’s prices x 5. (I did get them at 90% off when I did buy them at a closing down sale.) $150.00 - $35.00 = $115 saving. Not a bad return for storing linen for the future they were only 7 years in storage. Never store linen for more than 10 years without checking it now and then. Wash and getting them ready for use, the elastic on fitted sheets are OK! That's major problem with storing them.

Greenwaste was pickup today. I got 2x free bags of compost 25L, as I had to put out two piles as I cut the neighbor tree & hedge and put it outside her place also! About $3.50 a bag, I will not count in tally as anyone who did it got a free bag for each household also!

Today’s Full price Tally $ 150
Today’s Savings - $115
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $498.15

Going grocery shopping with elderly neighbor.

May 8th, 2006 at 09:54 pm

This DF-M is old enough to be my mother. So I am the driver & trolley pusher etc. It’s part of our local block community barter system. (See below.) As we were doing banking, chemist, thrift shop drop off, & grocery shopping in one go, it took over 2½ hours. She always gives me her ‘4c off fuel voucher’ plus a cooked chicken & little cash for fuel. So I am not out of pocket only thing is time & my energy level and whether I can do anything else for the day.

Did some shopping today also, I was to buy eggs but there were none that at the price, I wish to pay & they price has gone up by 12c per dozen too! I looked at the bargain areas again it had some good buys, so I bought some items that I can use or try! Spent $6.90 full price $20.67. So my meal tonight will be part portions of the free chicken & fresh mushroom and Garlic Focaccia Bread which were all part of the bargain areas markdowns today. I drop off some Avon that I pick-up for someone else and with given ¼ of chicken & stuffing, for my trouble. I am well feed in this community.

Our Local Block Community Barter System.
We exchange garden produce, tools, cook meals, ironing, house sitting when tradesmen are coming, water gardens, putting out & returning Trash bins, feeding pets, doing errands for others, shopping, checking on one’s living alone each day. As well driving around, (including to airport (50 km trip), which the fuel & parking is paid, doctors visits, shopping, take them visiting friends etc or taking bulk trash to the dump) time in involved is free, over 8 hours each week, I am doing this for others. As my most valuable asset is that I have a car & time. With this barter system, you do something for someone, then they give you something in exchange and pay any the cost involved as you may be paying bills or doing shopping for them.

Today’s Full price Tally $32.67*
Today’s Savings Tally $25.77
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $383.15

*Full price includes items bought & value of free items or bulk assets storage.

Beaconfield's Miners are Free

May 8th, 2006 at 08:44 pm

I am up early this morning watching TV on the rescue while I am typing this up. Within the hour their will come up to the surface for the first time in 14 days. On overtime too! I would not like to be underground for hour than be for 14 days & nights trapped in the mine. This is a world first too!

Getting ready for ‘Greenwaste’ pick up!

May 7th, 2006 at 07:33 pm

Today was a working in the garden day, cutting branches off my trees and next doors hedge as its falling into my yard. The gardener only cut they side and not the top of it or my side. When I crop it back, I cut it back to its original height. Which is 4 feet lower than it is now! It looks bare now but it will grow again by summer. If it’s not cut on my side you can’t use the carport. Had morning tea with my Greek neighbors across the road in the middle of doing the hedge. After I had coffee and a biscuit, I was sent home with plate of these biscuits also! Now I got two large piles of ‘Greenwaste’ on the footpath to be picked up next week by the local council. This happens once every two years and on the other year we have major bulk garage waste which a free for all, Dumpster Divers fun time.

I am starting my living off my bulk pantry this week and only buying perishables and pet food or other items for them. For lunch I had a salad & cheese and 3 crackers with Hummus. For dinner tonight, I had an omelette and ½ serve Tomato Vegetable Sauce that I made the other night. Yogurt and peaches for Dessert.

Downsizing my guest bedroom AKA craft room.

May 6th, 2006 at 07:27 pm

I need to have it to guest room standard in a few weeks along with all living areas rooms that’s the upstairs parts of this house. Downstairs just the laundry and walkways only.

Now is the time to start de-cluttering but I refer the term downsizing as this is want is needed here. If I ever moved house then I would have to downsize by 80% to move into a smaller house or apartment. I have a large house with a lot of storage areas.

I am making six piles, Trash, Give Away, Thrift Shop, To Sell, Family Heirlooms, and Keeping. What is in the first three must be gone that week. Family heirlooms and keeping will be put back into their right place. In use items will not be packed up but put where they can be found. As I zone everything by kind or projects, this idea has helped me find things very quickly in the past. I will be putting aside items that I may sell on eBay one day. When I am finish with this project then I will need to make an inventory of what I have keep and where it’s kept. After this then will get and idea of value of my storage and craft items. Thrift shop and give away items will go to those that need that item, Freecycle or Charity Thrift Shop.

I will also need to put my DIY cap on, and fix the joins in a wall in the craft room. I will look in the workshop downstairs for item to fix it, my next project.

Pay Bills and Grocery Shopping

May 5th, 2006 at 08:53 pm

Needed to buy milk for my DF- M, so I had to go the supermarket where I am paying my bills today. As I had to go Transport office to update my information after buying my new car so that I would get my pensioner discount, its worth over $52 for ½ year off the regular car registration. I paid local rates & water bill at the Post Office where we can pay most of our bills in person and it’s agent for some of the banks too! If you would like to pay something, you just look on the back of your bills and it will tell you if can pay them at the post office. (I am claiming pensioner discount on Rate’s Bill that’s a saving of $161.28 a ¼ year) + by due date % $15.04 Saving $52.00 + $161.28 + 15.04 = $228.32

As usual I gravitate to the markdown areas of any store that I go into. Today was not any different I got two tubs of Hummus with 6 week to go on used by date, its just not readable. Reg. price $5.89 tub markdowns price $1.99 saving $7.80 there! I also bought some ‘T-Cut for scratches on cars”, as last night my DS, back into my car with his wife car and marked and scratched both cars. We’re not happy about that one. I tried the stuff that I bought when I got home and got the marks off first time on my car! It cost $7.15 – 50% off plus a lot of peace of mind all round. As I used just the tinniest amount, there is enough for the whole family to use on their cars too!
Saving $7.30 here or saving on $300 x 2 excess car insurance.

Full amounts on Bills ($477.92 + 284.32) = 762.24 – 228.32 = $533.92 paid

Today’s Full price Tally $788.47
Today’s Savings Tally $243.32
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $357.38

Baby Gift Parcel & Two for One Meal Deals.

May 4th, 2006 at 08:23 pm

Went late night shopping with DS & DIL last night. We had dinner in the food court; they bought crepes with a voucher from the Entertainment Book with two for one deal. , I bought two for one deal Spicy Chicken Baguette, with Hungry Jacks voucher that was in my letter box this week along with a free coffee that’s valued at $2.45 with senior card and small cone. (5.25 x 2 + 2.45 + 30c) = 12.45 – 5.55 = $7.70 saving.

We went to Target; I bought a new hair brushes @50% off plus my 5% retired staff discount of the total of the bill. Save $3.88 off here. Found some Baby Toiletries for a baby gift basket I am making for new baby in the DIL family. Baby items cost $12.35 saving $5.30 after retired staff discount.

Total of my shopping for the night. $21.40 saving of $16.88 on regular prices of $38.28

That’s 44% off saving on the regular prices for the night shopping.

I don’t think you can get this kind of return with shares!

Drove the car to my son's place.

Today’s Full price Tally $38.28
Today’s Savings - $16.88
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $114.06

All the Ironing is up to date!

May 4th, 2006 at 11:20 am

That’s 2 household worth of ironing DF-D plus odd pieces for DF-M. & mine who doesn’t like doing any fancy stuff. I like to iron in very early the mornings around daybreak, when everything is very still and you can hear very little traffic on the main roads near by.

Lunch with my old ex-work friends.

May 3rd, 2006 at 07:47 pm

Today is my lunch date, meeting up with my old ex-work friends each month. As I need to make sure that I get out the house and talk to people other than my neighbors only. We go to a restaurant that has salad bars and gives discount to seniors too! This is part of my food budget each month, as I do believe in a healthy mind & body as well as healthy wallet. As these friends stop coming to this luncheon then I plan to join a local senior group. But I don’t think I am ready to start play cards, bingo or doing jigsaw puzzles just yet!

I spent every little today other than what was budget for. Monthly Visa card balance paid off. Lunch & monthly lotto ticket. The only item that I bought was a car duster -$6 that was on my shopping list to buy. (I budgeted over $20 so I saved $14 here.) Bus fares were pre-paid for this month. I buy ten trips ticket this is saving money, as two of the trips are free. It’s cheaper to go by bus to the city than pay for gas and parking when you are on a pension here. Around trip cost only $2 for pensioner and Car parking is between $4 to $10.00 hour.

While out today, I paid my credit card balance off so I am back to $0.00 again this month.

Today’s Full price Tally $32.25
Today’s Savings Tally $16.70
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $97.18

Day Ten so it’s washing day!

May 2nd, 2006 at 07:17 pm

I worked out a washing day strategy to save water in this drought we are having, as my water is very low to start with less than 22KL per quarter. I need to do something out of the ordinary to start with. I work out a washing schedule chart to see if washing more or less often would help in anyway! It’s a 10x 10 grid I posted this in the forum some where. Anyway after doing this chart up, I found that if I washed one load every five days or 2 loads every ten days seeing that I am in single household. I would save money and time than washing every Saturday morning like I did before. Now I do two loads and small hand wash and this lasts me until next wash.

I am saving money on my washing detergent too! As I have of washing powder on hand from specials that I have bought that I need to use up. I also have made up a frugal mixture that I use to wash my bed linen and things that I don’t iron. This mixture cost under $1 to make six months supply (about 40 loads) so I am save money by using only 50% of soap powder.

To save my Grey water, I recycle washing machine water by keeping the first load wash water for second load also using the second loads water on the garden as I always wash in cold water I am saving electricity too!. A little work but it does save money and I line dry all my washing too! I use recycle Grey water, in backyard to keep my trees and pot plants a alive, there just enough Grey water to do this, plus I only water one week otherwise for less than 20 minutes.

Bridget's Petticoat

May 2nd, 2006 at 06:47 am

When I was writing up a piece for the ‘Re-reading Tightwad Gazette’ in the forum. My mind started to wander to some frugal stories from past generations handed down over time. So I thought that I would now and then, past on a story or two.

There is a story in my mother’s family about my great grandmother Bridget petticoat. She was immigrant from Tipperary in Ireland around 1884 to Australia, and pasted away before I was born.

She would tell all & sundry (everyone) “My petticoat has lasted me, 65 years it came up out with me on the sailing ship, why do I need new one.” The family explained, yes it did last 65 years, but with seven charges of new linen and five charges of new lace in that time. But it still in her eyes, it was the same petticoat. She was lucky that two of her daughters & a grand daughter were dressmakers and also did very fine crochet, I am lucky to have some of they crochet tablecloths still today. That is what I call being Frugally Creative.

Shopping for Groceries with a friend

May 1st, 2006 at 08:49 pm

Today DF- D and I went grocery shopping together, it's her grocery shopping day. I also have to go as I get a discount there! When we go I always buy something in the way of specials.

Today we got 75% off salad greens; I got 2 packs of them. In the Meat Dept. we got Chicken Kebabs 50% off, I got 2 packs x 6 of them, I freeze want I don’t eat today, that’s 6 meals there. Grocery items are on super special prices this week at this one supermarket.

So a few things for storage, plus my generic cat food for next two weeks that I get from this grocery chain.

Everything I bought but for the cat food was on markdown or on super special and I saved $18 off the regular prices then got 5% off on top of that too!

We don’t have coupons here. How much did I spend you may ask, only $22.45 in total. It should have been $41.57. I didn’t go over aboard.

Today’s Full price Tally $41.57
Today’s Savings - $19.12
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $80.48

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