Today was a working in the garden day, cutting branches off my trees and next doors hedge as its falling into my yard. The gardener only cut they side and not the top of it or my side. When I crop it back, I cut it back to its original height. Which is 4 feet lower than it is now! It looks bare now but it will grow again by summer. If it’s not cut on my side you can’t use the carport. Had morning tea with my Greek neighbors across the road in the middle of doing the hedge. After I had coffee and a biscuit, I was sent home with plate of these biscuits also! Now I got two large piles of ‘Greenwaste’ on the footpath to be picked up next week by the local council. This happens once every two years and on the other year we have major bulk garage waste which a free for all, Dumpster Divers fun time.
I am starting my living off my bulk pantry this week and only buying perishables and pet food or other items for them. For lunch I had a salad & cheese and 3 crackers with Hummus. For dinner tonight, I had an omelette and ½ serve Tomato Vegetable Sauce that I made the other night. Yogurt and peaches for Dessert.
Getting ready for ‘Greenwaste’ pick up!
May 7th, 2006 at 07:33 pm