November 18th, 2014 at 09:21 pm
Here is my Financial Summery for October period.
I have updated my Excel finally so here are the figures for last month I have been quite busy here.
This for period of 28 days each as I work on 28 day cycles, my dates may be out to calendar months so here are the figures that will bring it up to date as its very near the end of next 28 day cycle.
Reviewing my monthly daily living allowance
This is my review for October budget.
These are the categories for this challenge.
Items === Approx. Budget===Spent
Eating out===$35=====$27.45
Groceries===$125=== =$122.68
Clothes ====$35=====$37.68
HH items===$40======$16.95
Fares== ====$15
Entrainments== $15
Garden =====$15
Gifts & Donations ==$35
Medical & Diabetes Expenses ===$70====$216.70
Misc ======$10
Personal Allowance =$90 ===$74.80
Note only one amount is a No Spend
No Spending Days 13 of 28 days
Budgeted for this period $550 spent $530.15 under by $19.65 on general spending.
Out of pocket medical expenses were again high this period.
Personal allowance covers health drinks, lotto, books, stamps, craft and hobby supplies.
Eating out including meals out with family and friends, we all go Dutch.
My credit cards are still paid in full each month; it was $104.00 this period.
Grocery allotment $125 for each period it was under by $2.32 this period.
Strategy - Put in writing what you are worried about and see the figures then work out an action plan.
Posted in
$$$ Another Strategy,
$$$ Budget & Bills,
All Food,
Car & Gas,
No Spending Day,
Other Activities,
Diabetes & Health
November 15th, 2014 at 06:58 pm
I will catch up one day here.
Here is my Financial Summery for September period.
I have updated my Excel finally so here are the figures for last month I have been quite busy here.
This for period of 28 days each as I work on 28 day cycles, my dates may be out to calendar months so here are the figures that will bring it up to date as its very near the end of next 28 day cycle.
Reviewing my monthly daily living allowance
This is my review for September budget.
These are the categories for this challenge.
Items === Approx. Budget===Spent
Eating out===$35=====$53.30
Groceries===$125=== =$92.45
Clothes ====$35=====$49.00
HH items===$40======$129.20
Fares== ====$15 ======$20.00
Entrainments== $15
Garden =====$15
Gifts & Donations ==$35 =====$49.00
Medical & Diabetes Expenses ===$70====$495.55
Misc ======$10
Personal Allowance =$90 ===$100.86
Note only one amount is a No Spend
No Spending Days 8 of 28 days
Budgeted for this period $550 spent $1020.23 over by $470.23 on general spending.
Out of pocket medical expenses were very high this period.
Personal allowance covers health drinks, lotto, books, stamps, craft and hobby supplies.
Eating out including meals out with family and friends, we all go Dutch.
My credit cards are still paid in full each month; it was $65.00 this period.
Grocery allotment $125 for each period it was under by $32.55 this period.
Strategy - Do remember what you have stored before you go and buy more of the same.
Posted in
$$$ Another Strategy,
$$$ Budget & Bills,
All Food,
Car & Gas,
Family or Friends,
No Spending Day,
Diabetes & Health
November 15th, 2014 at 06:40 pm
I stuff up the last post I have now redone it on reviewing it I had repeated an early post so I have now corrected it.
Posted in