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Archive for March, 2007
March 31st, 2007 at 09:43 am
~ Have my credit card at Zero balance by end of the each month.
~ Come under budget.
~ Deposit into the online accounts.
~ Pay All Due Bills on pension days or ahead of time.
~ Chiro visit (one every 4 weeks)
~ Known outings to budget for in - lunch. 4
~ Chiro visit (one every 4 weeks)
~ Known outings to budget for in April / May - lunch out 2
~ Live off my Bulk Food Assets
~ Make up another eight meals OAMC. - Out of Bulk Food Assets.
~ De-cluttering Computer Room
~ Gardening Mowing & weed back garden & put water saving techniques in place
~ Cull & de-clutter computer files not in use. – (on going)
~ Downsizing storage and clean these areas (zones 6, 7 & 8)
~ Install the water tank, paid and apply for rebate.
Review of the last two months.
February / March Goals & Planning Ahead
~ Have my credit card at Zero balance by end of the each month. Yes
~ Come under budget. (Only if you don’t count major project)
~ Deposit into the online accounts. Yes
~ Pay All Due Bills on pension days or ahead of time. Yes
~ Chiro visit (one every 4 weeks) Yes
~ Known outings to budget for in February / March - lunch out 4 - more than this time
~ Live off my Bulk Food Assets ~ (On Going)
~ Make up another eight meals OAMC. - Out of Bulk Food Assets. Yes
~ De-cluttering Computer Room for door project. – Stage 1 done
~ Finish Door project - Done
~ Gardening Mowing & weed back garden & put water saving techniques in place - Done
~ Cull & de-clutter computer files not in use. – (on going) - no time
~ Downsizing storage and clean these areas (zones 6, 7 & 8) no time, worked on major project
~ Install the water tank, paid and apply for rebate. - Still waiting for deliver.
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$$$ Budget & Bills,
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Major Projects,
March 31st, 2007 at 09:39 am
Started working on put some of my books back into order after 3 weeks at other end of the room.
I did get half of this project done today will need to find time to work on it more. Maybe cull a few books also. I will need to look at the filing in this room also. This will be put onto my future to do list and the same with the clothes that are stored in this room.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Macaroni & Cheese Fruit Coffee
DINNER Stewed Lentils & Tomato Sauce & coffee
Posted in
All Food,
No Spending Day
March 30th, 2007 at 09:29 am
Gone shopping or bought something 19 times
Went to the city by bus 5 times
Drove my car only. 2 times
Had food bought or had for free away from home. 8 times
And had 9 No Spending Days.
Lets see what next 28 days tallies will be.
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No Spending Day,
Other Activities
March 30th, 2007 at 09:27 am
Challenge at 48th week.
Kitty’s Real Spending Total $12389.43
+ 2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10473.01
= Full Price (RRP) Income Challenge $22862.44
Opening CC Balance $0
Kitty’s Opening Balance Rollover $918.78 ($720 Bill A/C)
$$$Money in - $1141.06 + cash w/d $400
= Total Income Balance. $2459.84
Bills Total $818.50
Other Spending (& major project)& Groceries $1533.84
$$$ Money out = $2352.34
Cash Banked in other A/C’s $72
Kitty’s Rollover Balance $648.00 ($265 Bill A/C)
CC Balance $317.00
Major project bills still outstanding = $360
Posted in
$$$ Budget & Bills,
Major Projects,
March 30th, 2007 at 09:21 am
This morning all the painting is finished on the doors. It’s looks so good. After I did some housework before went out. As late last night after I posted here, I got a phone cal to say that my niece was flying in for the weekend, if I would like to meet up for a few hours today. As she wasn’t available after that as she is working all weekend and then flying home on Sunday.
I meet her at her hotel around 2pm and then we went to say Hi to my DIL who works just a few blocks away. Then it was shopping and a walk around city for a while, as she didn’t need to report in until the morning. We went off too the Friday Night Market’s at South Bank. We had something to eat while we were there. After walking around for hour or two we both went separate ways. This outing costing $10.65 with two free cups of coffee along the way. Saving $4.90 on these.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH fruit
DINNER take away
Today’s Full price Tally $15.55
Today’s Savings - $ 4.90
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10473.01
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Major Projects
March 29th, 2007 at 06:11 am
I did some varnishing today; this only took an hour to do. I will do one more coat of varnish on the doors themselves in the morning. I spent most of the day on the computer and resting for part of the day. I still get very tried when doing this kind of work for too long. So its another no spending day here.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Soup & Toast Fruit Coffee
DINNER Bean Patties with Salad Fruit Coffee
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All Food,
No Spending Day,
Major Projects
March 28th, 2007 at 09:16 am
Early this morning before sunrise, I worked on getting my patio back in order. While working on the door project, I had to put what plants that were there, all in one corner so they had to be thinned out and rearrange so I could put back the patio setting that belong there too! I had saved some recycle water so that I could give it a quick wash down and water the plants while I was at it. It will be along while before that corner will be sweep again.
After breakfast using what paint that I had at hand I painted the white work it’s first coat. Then I when and put away all the tools that belong in the workshop and sweep up. Gee that feel good to have all that done.
I did go for a walk this afternoon but I never bought anything. So I did have No spend day after all!
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Chilli Tuna Salad & Crackers Apple Coffee
DINNER Curry Ground Beef & Rice with Sambal
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No Spending Day,
Other Activities,
Major Projects
March 27th, 2007 at 09:13 am
I still have some more painting to do, this is about one hour per day, as I have to wait for each coat to dry and do one section first before the other. So it’s working on white paint then I will do the varnishing. I did do the undercoat and the restrained some of the wood as cement got on to it. This took about 75 minutes this morning.
After I took myself off to the hairdresser to get a trim that was long over due. Spending $14.00 saving $9.00 on a city salons. On the way back I dropped into one of the thrift shop that I rarely visit to look at a gift that was in the window but it was not up the standard for that person’s present. I did buy $5.00 worth of books, some cookbooks as my donation for the month. Value of these books on RRP $29.70 saving $24.70.
Now I am sitting here at my computer looking out the door that was just made smelling my gardenia that is just outside, listening to all the birds in the trees.
My handyman friend rang to say thathe is flying out on Thursday morning for New Zealand, which I have been trying for him to do for months. As he hasn’t been home to visit his sister in 15 years and both are not getting any younger. I dare say I will be happy when he arrives there.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Salad & Light Cream Cheese on Crackers Apple Coffee
DINNER Beef Bourguignon with Basmati rice
Today’s Full price Tally $52.70
Today’s Savings - $33.70
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10468.11
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Major Projects
March 26th, 2007 at 09:05 am
My handyman friend arrive this afternoon to finish the final job for him on the doors. So we had lunch then off the buy the insect mesh for the doors and the rubber F/S spline that used join it to the frame. This cost $52.68 so the cost of just putting a fly screen on was $140 alone. But as the whole house is flyscreen so it had to be done.
All I have to do now is the finishing touch too inside surround of the door and it’s all done and now too paying for all of it. I have paid more than half of it already. My handyman friend paid for two-thirds of the total bill and I am to pay him back over next two months. I have found some money to pay him two-thirds of what I owe him and the balance will be paid in the near future. Overall I paid all but $600.00 of whole bill. This is between what I owe him and what I put on my credit card. As he did the labor for free, saving a large amount here! He was doing this job between jobs and when he had a little free time. One rule here is I pay for all material used. He broke a few drill bits so I did add some in when I was at the hardware store. I do have a very good workshop with some very old tools in it, it was a case of he could use some of my tools as well of his own which was more specialized.
Buying meat on special that was markdown, I will be able to make 2 x 4 serving meals plus 4 grills or stir-fry meals with the amount I bought. Saving $5.84 on markdown price. I bought some lettuce leaves for my salad next week, as this was the best option for me this week. I don’t normally pay supermarket price for fruit & vegetables unless extra cheap price. But as I would have bought unnecessary items that I could have done without. Non washed small fancy lettuce was $1.95 and my normal baby Cos lettuce was $2.95 this week. I paid $1.98 for 100g fancy lettuce pieces washed. Years ago I worked out this strategy as I worked in a store that was like K-mart is today but Deli & small grocery store included. It was too expensive to buy a full grocery order or carry it home and paying for delivery with out of the question
I found a chemist selling a handle strap for my walking stick as I keep on dropping it. Costing $3.95 saving $2.00 here.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Crackers & Cheese with Mustard Pickles Apple Coffee
DINNER Fillet Steak, Egg, Onion & Tomatoes Coffee
My major project door spending spree = $1608.75
Today’s Full price Tally $75.11
Today’s Savings - $ 7.84
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10434.41
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Major Projects
March 25th, 2007 at 09:40 am
Hanging the security doors & final touch up on white paint was what got done today. So the security doors are at lock up stage. Now making and adding the flyscreen when all the painting is dry. Fixing another small problem that came up and buying the screws for the flyscreen. Costing all up $25.50 Only a few more days and all will be back to normal.
I was given some Roasted Peppers still hot and charred to make into charred grilled roasted peppers this will be enough for a week as garnishes with my meals. I do like getting these little treats that my neighbors send my way.
BREAKFAST Ham steak & Egg with Baked Beans Coffee
LUNCH Chicken & Tomato Sandwich Coffee
DINNER Ham Steak & Scrambled Eggs with Roasted Peppers & Grilled Tomatoes.
My major project door spending to date. $1533.64
Today’s Full price Tally $25.50
Today’s Savings - $ 0.00
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10426.57
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$$$ Barter,
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Family or Friends,
Major Projects
March 24th, 2007 at 08:24 am
I worked on the second coat of security door, which took a few hours and did a little bit of housework. Washing and doing the floors.
While my handyman friend worked on doing finishing other parts on the door. Tiling and finishing off. I didn’t have to pay for the tiles, as they were leftover off cuts from another job. Guess what, no money was spent today. So it’s no spend day after all.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Turkish Bread with Hummus Lettuce Tuna Marinated Feta with Marinated Peppers
DINNER 2 Egg Cheese Omelette and Pasta Sauce & Grilled Peppers
My major project door spending to date. $1508.14
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Major Projects
March 23rd, 2007 at 10:12 am
Well today I started work on my first topcoat of enamel on the security doors. Which took over two hours to paint. It’s looking good.
After I went off the supermarket to buy some cat food for the next few weeks while there I bought some fresh fish for us to eat to-night as my cats love fresh poach fish as a treat. Saving $12.88 on grocery.
My handyman friend went shopping today and spent another lot of money for another project he thought that I should have done also at the back of the house. So more money spent here $126.39.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Salad & Light Cream Cheese on Crackers Apple Coffee
DINNER Poached Nile Perch with Salad Coffee
My major project door spending to date. $1508.14
Today’s Full price Tally $176.96
Today’s Savings - $ 12.88
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10426.57
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Major Projects
March 22nd, 2007 at 10:07 am
Finally started painting the metal primer on security doors this morning, they are a bit heavy so I did need some help to turn them over to paint the other side. I plan to do two coats of white enamel then let dry for a day or so if I am allowed too! Then touch up if I need too, when hang.
Did any money with my name on it go out today? Yes as we had order the flyscreen frame parts did come in, so it was off to get them this afternoon when my friend arrived. Costing $76.50, which I did put on my credit card.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Turkish bread with ham salad Fruit Coffee
DINNER Fillet Steak, Egg, Onion & Tomatoes Coffee
My major project door spending to date. $1381.75
Today’s Full price Tally $76.50
Today’s Savings - $ 0.00
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10413.69
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All Food,
Major Projects
March 21st, 2007 at 08:10 am
This morning my handyman friend arrived at 6.30am to finish off the security door section he was working on so I could start painting before he went off to do job for someone else. Before going we went to the locksmith to exchange & buy the new lock. Buying a right lock & refund $55.38 and spending another $163.20 for a better and stronger lock a deadlock this time.
After this I left him and walked to the city from the locksmith, as it was only about 2km across the Walk Bridge then though the gardens up to the city this took me about hour. I am going to meet a friend for lunch, we haven’t seen each other for around eight years as she lives interstate and is here for the week. As both of us are into spending for the sake of boredom. We went off to the State Registry Office so that she could apply for her Parents Marriage Certificate, when jump on a free bus for trip around the city so that she could see the charges to our city since lived here 40 years ago. When it was time to go to lunch, we used our senior cards here and saved $5.00 each on our meals.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Lunch out *
DINNER Grapes, Muesli & Milk Coffee
My major project door spending to date. $ 1305.25
Today’s Full price Tally $180.88
Today’s Savings - $5.00
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10413.69
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Other Activities,
Major Projects,
Seniors %
March 20th, 2007 at 08:06 am
We went for a drive to get more tools today and pick up the slide that was order yesterday no price so far as this was put on to his account. Also bought the steel for inner steel bars $31.70
I bought some flyscreen mesh to replace the screens in my other doors when I get around to it paying $28.00.
He started welding the security doors today and made the frame up and started putting the in the bars. So I will be able to start painting. While looking at the door he had another look at the security door slide that the locksmith sold us it’s too small for the thickness of the steel, he is using. We will need to return it and buy a more expensive one. This is another task for the morning.
I did go and buy some more food today, as I’m not use to having some for lunch & dinner on daily bases. So I bought chicken slices for our lunches and also bought chocolate blocks on special saving $3.50 here.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Salad & Light Cream Cheese on Crackers Apple Coffee
DINNER Chilli Con Carne with Corn Chips Coffee
My major project door spending to date. $1197.73
Today’s Full price Tally $77.02
Today’s Savings - $ 3.50
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10408.69
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Major Projects
March 19th, 2007 at 09:39 am
The major part of security door was bought & arrived today. These doors are to be made on sight. As they are custom made to my unusual size & design of these doors. Normally he does makes commercial type security doors with hinges. This door is the first one he is making that is sliding. You will never be able to take it down once it has been put up. You will take the brick wall too! This part costs $105.00. We went off to the hardware yet again for some more Dyn-bolts costing $17.50. As he is designing this door as he goes and working out what will work and what won’t work! The price is going up. I have put in cost supplying welding gear into this costing also, as this door is a full welding job. We are asking each other what is the weakest link and then working fixing that part a little more. His first idea on the bottom slide was too weak so extra work was needed there. The top slide has to be closed in and fixed so it can’t be slipped off the bottom slide. So the top slide was order today and bottom slide is in place. I didn’t spend any other money today.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Turkish Bread with Chicken Salad Fruit Coffee
DINNER Curry Ground Beef & Rice with Sambal
My major project door spending to date. $1166.03
Today’s Full price Tally $122.50
Today’s Savings - $ 0.00
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10405.19
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Major Projects
March 18th, 2007 at 08:49 am
As soon as the hardware store was open, we were off the buy edging trim and gap foam for the door. So that cementing and finishing off the inside could done. I will not be able to paint this area until he goes as he is keeping his tools and odd & ends around this area at night or when he is finish for the day and it’s never empty.
He put some old brick rabble and the gap foam to finish the trim on the wall were the brick came out of. The plan is to use old recycle off cuts to finish off this area. These do tone with the colour of the brickwork when it will be finish. This is a very slow job if I wasn’t getting a very good discount on his labor this job would never got off the ground.
Today’s cost for materials were $31.45 & $95.77 for parts of security door. This security door is a commercial standard one using much thicker steel than normal.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Turkish bread with ham salad Fruit Coffee
DINNER Fillet Steak, Egg, Onion & Tomatoes Coffee
My major project door spending to date. $1042.53
Today’s Full price Tally $127.22
Today’s Savings - $ 0.00
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10405.19
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Major Projects
March 17th, 2007 at 08:31 am
This morning we put on the door handle & deadlocks. Then drove down to the his storage area to pick up some more tools then off to the locksmith to buy the locks and patio bolts for the security screen doors, we did get trade discount on these. Spending $116.33 but if it’s not right we will return them for a more expensive one.
While we were out, we went to Yatala pie shop yet again. I think this his favorite eatery. Meat Pie & Custard Tart and Coffee and this treat food not everyday. *
BREAKFAST Bacon & Egg Baked Beans Toast Coffee
LUNCH lunch free *
DINNER Scrambled Eggs on toast
My major project door spending to date. $915.31
Today’s Full price Tally $116.33
Today’s Savings - $9.50*
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10405.19
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Major Projects
March 16th, 2007 at 08:31 pm
As only the brickwork was removed yesterday and extra bolts bought. Today we worked on removing the old window and the rest of the walls. No one could have broken in last night, as the original wall was still intact. This is one of the big days on this project as the plan was to have the new door lockable tonight. Which I am happy to say it’s the case.
My friend is a master builder, this the first time he has put a door in of this type and did work too!
I did set a bit of problem in making these doors, yes they are two doors but you wouldn’t know it by looking at it from outside. As it’s one standard door and half panel door in French door style, but we have made look like a standard door with a half panel. I did buy extra bolts so that the half door is bolts at all times but when you need to remove furniture you can unbolts this panel door. It even has a mock centre wooden butt screwed and glued to extra half door so that it looks like a half panel.
While this was going on I drove down to shopping centre and paid my bills so that I wouldn’t forget to do so next week, when we will be still working on this project. Saved $30.00 on my power. (senior discount). I bought a few groceries as I am feeding an extra person for next few days.
MMM I will be very lucky to have any no spending days this month, at the rate I’m going now!
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Salad & light Cream Cheese on Crackers Apple Coffee
DINNER Poached Fish with Salad Coffee
Today’s Full price Tally $238.10
Today’s Savings - $ 30.00
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10395.69
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$$$ Budget & Bills,
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Car & Gas,
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Major Projects,
Seniors %
March 15th, 2007 at 09:09 am
We went for a drive to buy deadlocks & patio bolts for my wooden doors, I will buy the ones for security doors later when we start on that door. As I’m taking Amy Dacyczyn Strategy on this project and buying the best that I can afford. I am working with brass fittings for this door. Spending today $143.98 so far.
As we start this project this morning and had to hire a diamond cutter machine to cutting the brick wall where this door is going. Costing $146.00 but saving a full day work on this project. It’s was returned within 2 hours.
On return we went on a pick up run for other jobs that my handyman friend is doing.
We went to the Yatala Pie Shop for an early lunch and then on the local supermarket to buy a few things before returning home.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Lunch out free
DINNER Fillet Steak, Egg, Onion & Tomatoes Coffee
My major project door spending to date. $798.98
Today’s Full price Tally $303.23
Today’s Savings - $2.37
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10365.69
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Major Projects
March 14th, 2007 at 09:05 am
If you have been reading this blog for awhile, you would been aware that I have order a water tank and it was to come this week, well it’s not they rang up to say that their molding factory had a miss firing and no tanks will be delivered this month. So I may have my water tank after Easter.
I went shopping for grocery today, sent $11.85 saving $3.20. Bought the balance gourmet travel books that one of thrift shop had, spending $4.00. Bought a Tupperware Store & Keep large one at thrift shop for $3.00 saving around $20.00 new.
BREAKFAST 2 Boiled Eggs Toast & Jam
LUNCH Crackers with Cream Cheese & Herbs Fruit Coffee
DINNER Pasta with Pasta Sauce & Tuna
Today’s Full price Tally $42.05
Today’s Savings - $ 23.20
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10363.32
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All Food,
Major Projects
March 13th, 2007 at 10:01 am
I did the last coat of varnishing for now. Before I went off to the city to visit the Chiro this morning, it one day earlier than I normally go as I phone up yesterday morning to change the appointment. As I worked out that I may have a busy day to-morrow if all goes to plan. Walk up to my hearing aid centre to have my hearing aid checked. This service is part of the fee I paid when I bought it. So no cost here.
I had coffee & raisin toast at one of the eatery, special deal as the coffee is normally more than what I paid for both. Separate it’s toast $1.80 and coffee about $2.95 in price. Deal was $2.50 for both saving $2.25. I bought Jersey Caramel for 99c for my sweet tooth. Some groceries at the dollar store was a good buy, as I have to take into a count bus fares when buy some of this stuff, it a good strategy to buy when I am in the city and not make special trips to buy when I have run out. Saving around $4.00 here.
I had lunch when I came home.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Turkish Bread with Hummus Lettuce Tuna Marinated Feta with Marinated Peppers
DINNER Chilli Con Carne with Corn Chips Coffee
Today’s Full price Tally $14.24
Today’s Savings - $6.25
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10340.12
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Other Activities
March 12th, 2007 at 09:44 am
I was at it again today putting another coat of varnish on the door surrounds, which I will do another coat then finish off when it’s all up. Tones do match so I did picked the right colour.
After I finished I when up the street for a walk and bought some crackers that were on special this week. Saving $3.00 on these.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Mixed Salad & Hummus on Crackers Fruit Coffee
DINNER Thai Satay Chicken with Steamed Rice & Green Tea
Today’s Full price Tally $7.50
Today’s Savings - $ 3.00
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10333.87
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Major Projects
March 11th, 2007 at 09:49 am
I found this recipe on old can of fruit a few years ago.
After a very hot day here of 38C, I think just reading this recipe cools me down a bit.
I would have made it today but I don't have any yogurt or sour cream.
Peach Freeze
Makes 6 serves.
1x 825g can sliced Peaches, in Lite Juice, drained (190kj per 100g)
2 Tbsp. sugar
1 1/4 cups sour cream (300g)
1/4 tsp. vanilla essence
1/8 tsp. almond extract
1 tsp. lemon juice
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
Place in a large bowl and mix until smooth.
Pour into a mould or individual serving dishes.
Freeze until set.
Note: This may work with Natural Lite Yoghurt instead of sour cream.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Salad & Light Cream Cheese on Crackers Apple Coffee
DINNER Chilli Con Carne with Corn Chips Coffee
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No Spending Day,
March 10th, 2007 at 11:24 am
Buying wood strain for my major project, a few other odd bits too! On the Turps alone I bought a 4 litres bottle for $7.85 instead of 1L bottle for $3.50, saving $6.10. As the recycle timber that we bought last week is different wood tones and different woods grains. I needed to find a light wood strain to blend in with them all also the doors so opted for a teak. I plan to use full strength on the light coloured wood and 60: 40 ratio on rest of the wood as these have red tone in them. I think some could be a cedar and some are Australian hard woods. I plan to wash down the wood tonight after my handyman friend has dressed the wood so that I can paint it. Painting and vanishing is my part of this project. I do fine very relaxing pastime and a great challenge that I can do something as good or better than some other folk.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Turkish Bread with Hummus Lettuce Tuna Marinated Feta with Marinated Peppers
DINNER 2 Egg Cheese Omelette and Pasta Sauce & Grilled Peppers
Today’s Full price Tally $36.04
Today’s Savings - $6.10
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10330.87
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Major Projects
March 9th, 2007 at 10:24 am
I went for a walk today up the chemist for my medicine saving $20.00 with Senior Health Card. Drop into Hungry Jack and had a free coffee & cone saving $2.45 here.
After I came home and did my ironing for the week, as I will be painting this weekend.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Crackers & Marinated Feta Cheese with Marinated Peppers Fruit Coffee
DINNER Pumpkin & Lentil Stew with Garlic Focaccia Bread Coffee
Today’s Full price Tally $27.75
Today’s Savings - $22.45
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10324.77
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Seniors %
March 8th, 2007 at 09:46 am
It’s that time of the month again lunch with my ex-work friends, there eight of us today. we went to Sizzlers again, I had the manager special as it was still on seafood for $3.95 plus salad bar & drinks*. Costing $15.10 saving $3.85 (senior card).
I paid my Household Insurance today, $658.50 and yet again paid my credit card off. I do have a debit bill on this card so need keep on top of it at all times.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Lunch out *
DINNER Curry Ground Beef & Rice with Sambal
Today’s Full price Tally $717.45
Today’s Savings - $ 3.85
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10,302.32
Posted in
$$$ Budget & Bills,
All Food,
Family or Friends,
Seniors %
March 7th, 2007 at 10:45 am
Well I mowed my lawn today to cut down on my weed flowers. Saving $35.00 on DIY.
After towards I had to have a good rest as it was very hot mowing here temp in the 30C.
My power & phone bill arrived today will need to pay them next pay. So I didn’t get much done today after all!
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Crackers with Cream Cheese & Herbs Fruit Coffee
DINNER 2 Egg Cheese Omelette and Pasta Sauce & Grilled Peppers Fruit Coffee
Today’s Full price Tally $35.00
Today’s Savings - $ 35.00
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10,298.47
Posted in
All Food,
No Spending Day
March 6th, 2007 at 08:25 am
My handyman friend drove me down the coast to a place to buy some recycle timber for my door, he had go down that way today. It’s was across the border, he has been working in that area for awhile now. We got five nice pieces of timber with a few nail holes in them but I can live with that. I am not doing any jobs around my house so it can be good for the next person that buy this house but just repairing and doing it up for me to live in. I have one of the few houses in my area that can be pulled down to use the land to rebuild here in this area. I live in Heritage area zone my house was build after the cut off date. I don’t wish to overvalue my house as it’s at the bottom end of the market as it is, I plan to be here along while yet and I don’t have the money to do it up for resale. So it will only ever be sold as a fixer upper.
We had a great day and we went visit a lady that his next client to fix up her kitchen next week. After on the way back we drove up to a local land mark here the Yatala Pie Shop for lunch. Meat pie, custard tart and soft drink as it was hot. Then we went on to pick up some supplies that he had to get in that area when on to do some business elsewhere. We got back to my place around 3pm, I tell driving doe’s make you tried. My recycle timber cost $90.00 saving around $144 off buy new, along with a free lunch. Value $9.50*
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Lunch out*
DINNER Bean Patties with Salad Fruit Coffee
Today’s Full price Tally $243.50
Today’s Savings - $ 153.50
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10,264.47
Posted in
All Food,
Family or Friends,
Frugally Creative,
Other Activities,
Major Projects
March 5th, 2007 at 08:47 am
Today I decided to go the art gallery for a look at the latest collection. While I was there, run into an old friend that I meet a few months ago. She had been away overseas late last year. This was the first time that I had seen her since then, so went to the coffee shop and had a chat on what we both have been doing since we last saw each other. While she was away her son download a virus on to they computer so that is why I hadn’t heard from her, and her had to buy a new one too! I just bought a coffee today $2.80 and the cost on my bus fare was all expenses that I had today saving $2.00 (senior discount) on fares, as I had taken my lunch to eat.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Turkish Bread with Hummus Lettuce Ham Marinated Feta with Marinated Peppers
DINNER Pasta with Pasta Sauce & Tuna
Today’s Full price Tally $ 6.80
Today’s Savings - $ 2.00
2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $10,020.97
Posted in
All Food,
Other Activities,
Seniors %