Home > Shopping for Groceries with a friend

Shopping for Groceries with a friend

May 1st, 2006 at 08:49 pm

Today DF- D and I went grocery shopping together, it's her grocery shopping day. I also have to go as I get a discount there! When we go I always buy something in the way of specials.

Today we got 75% off salad greens; I got 2 packs of them. In the Meat Dept. we got Chicken Kebabs 50% off, I got 2 packs x 6 of them, I freeze want I don’t eat today, that’s 6 meals there. Grocery items are on super special prices this week at this one supermarket.

So a few things for storage, plus my generic cat food for next two weeks that I get from this grocery chain.

Everything I bought but for the cat food was on markdown or on super special and I saved $18 off the regular prices then got 5% off on top of that too!

We don’t have coupons here. How much did I spend you may ask, only $22.45 in total. It should have been $41.57. I didn’t go over aboard.

Today’s Full price Tally $41.57
Today’s Savings - $19.12
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $80.48

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