Home > Bulk Assets Shopping in My Storage Areas

Bulk Assets Shopping in My Storage Areas

May 9th, 2006 at 10:05 pm

Fitted & flats sheets are required. I did have some a few years before I retired so it times to find them. Oh Boy docket said I paid $7 each from them. That would now be 428% saving on today’s prices x 5. (I did get them at 90% off when I did buy them at a closing down sale.) $150.00 - $35.00 = $115 saving. Not a bad return for storing linen for the future they were only 7 years in storage. Never store linen for more than 10 years without checking it now and then. Wash and getting them ready for use, the elastic on fitted sheets are OK! That's major problem with storing them.

Greenwaste was pickup today. I got 2x free bags of compost 25L, as I had to put out two piles as I cut the neighbor tree & hedge and put it outside her place also! About $3.50 a bag, I will not count in tally as anyone who did it got a free bag for each household also!

Today’s Full price Tally $ 150
Today’s Savings - $115
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $498.15

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