I need to have it to guest room standard in a few weeks along with all living areas rooms that’s the upstairs parts of this house. Downstairs just the laundry and walkways only.
Now is the time to start de-cluttering but I refer the term downsizing as this is want is needed here. If I ever moved house then I would have to downsize by 80% to move into a smaller house or apartment. I have a large house with a lot of storage areas.
I am making six piles, Trash, Give Away, Thrift Shop, To Sell, Family Heirlooms, and Keeping. What is in the first three must be gone that week. Family heirlooms and keeping will be put back into their right place. In use items will not be packed up but put where they can be found. As I zone everything by kind or projects, this idea has helped me find things very quickly in the past. I will be putting aside items that I may sell on eBay one day. When I am finish with this project then I will need to make an inventory of what I have keep and where it’s kept. After this then will get and idea of value of my storage and craft items. Thrift shop and give away items will go to those that need that item, Freecycle or Charity Thrift Shop.
I will also need to put my DIY cap on, and fix the joins in a wall in the craft room. I will look in the workshop downstairs for item to fix it, my next project.
Downsizing my guest bedroom AKA craft room.
May 6th, 2006 at 07:27 pm