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Pay Bills and Grocery Shopping

May 5th, 2006 at 08:53 pm

Needed to buy milk for my DF- M, so I had to go the supermarket where I am paying my bills today. As I had to go Transport office to update my information after buying my new car so that I would get my pensioner discount, its worth over $52 for ½ year off the regular car registration. I paid local rates & water bill at the Post Office where we can pay most of our bills in person and it’s agent for some of the banks too! If you would like to pay something, you just look on the back of your bills and it will tell you if can pay them at the post office. (I am claiming pensioner discount on Rate’s Bill that’s a saving of $161.28 a ¼ year) + by due date % $15.04 Saving $52.00 + $161.28 + 15.04 = $228.32

As usual I gravitate to the markdown areas of any store that I go into. Today was not any different I got two tubs of Hummus with 6 week to go on used by date, its just not readable. Reg. price $5.89 tub markdowns price $1.99 saving $7.80 there! I also bought some ‘T-Cut for scratches on cars”, as last night my DS, back into my car with his wife car and marked and scratched both cars. We’re not happy about that one. I tried the stuff that I bought when I got home and got the marks off first time on my car! It cost $7.15 – 50% off plus a lot of peace of mind all round. As I used just the tinniest amount, there is enough for the whole family to use on their cars too!
Saving $7.30 here or saving on $300 x 2 excess car insurance.

Full amounts on Bills ($477.92 + 284.32) = 762.24 – 228.32 = $533.92 paid

Today’s Full price Tally $788.47
Today’s Savings Tally $243.32
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $357.38

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