Home > Still around here!

Still around here!

July 8th, 2022 at 07:00 am

Well another lot of flooding in Australia. In NSW some places have had flooding in their homes and area, 4 times in the last 18 months with 3 flooding in 2022. Thankfully not in Lismore area where it was very bad last time. 

You can tell any Australian that the weather has changed here. 

We booted out, our last Goverment because they didn't believe in Climate Change.  

With Bushfire/Wildfire down East Coast in 2019 then Covid19, and 4 floods over 3 states.

Something must be done to improve things to stop all this flooding. 


Ex - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been shot in Nara, Japan this morning. He has now died.


I'm doing ok so far still walking and living on my own. 

3 Responses to “Still around here!”

  1. mumof2 Says:

    Unfortunately those states haven't done anything when it comes to the flooding..they should have done more...same when it comes to summer this year everything will grow gangbusters from all the flooding and they won't cull anything so they will have more bushfires this year...they need to plan better for these natural disasters...and as for covid19...NSW bungled that themselves...most other states did really well until the borders opened into the other states... the libs were booted out because they lied about everything and were useless!!

  2. Carol B. Says:

    Kitty, so glad to hear from you sgain! I miss reading your adventures.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    So glad to hear from you!

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