Home > 3rd Monthly Financial Summery for 2014

3rd Monthly Financial Summery for 2014

April 26th, 2014 at 07:32 am

Here is my Financial Summery for - March period.

I have updated my Excel finally so here are the figures for last month I have been quite busy here.

This for period of 28 days each as I work on 28 day cycles, my dates may be out to calendar months so here are the figures that will bring it up to date as its very near the end of next 28 day cycle.

Reviewing my monthly daily living allowance

This is my review for last month's budget.
These are the categories for this challenge.

Items === Approx. Budget===Spent

Eating out===$35=====$35.00
Groceries===$125=== =$87.66
Clothes ====$35
HH items===$40======$37.80
Fares== ====$15
Entrainments== $15 ====$10.00
Garden =====$15
Gifts & Donations ==$35
Medical & Diabetes Expenses ===$70====$48.45
Misc ======$10
Personal Allowance =$90 ===$60.28

Note only one amount is a No Spend

No Spending Days 14 of 28 days

Budgeted for this period $550 spent $276.71 under by $273.29 on general spending.

Personal allowance covers health drinks, lotto, books, stamps, craft and hobby supplies.

Eating out including meals out with family and friends, we all go Dutch.

My credit cards are still paid in full each month; it was $240.00 this period.

Grocery allotment $125 for each period it was under by $37.34 this period.

Strategy - Don't believe all the advertising you see on TV or in the mail you didn't know you wanted it 15 minutes before you saw that advertisement.

2 Responses to “3rd Monthly Financial Summery for 2014 ”

  1. snafu Says:

    Good news Financial Summary in spite of being really busy you've kept down in all categories. Wow, take a bow. so many of us find when we're super busy spending falls off the track.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Good news. As for the marketing strategy, that is one reason I really despise television and the ads in magazines and the newspaper. I used to pore over the Sunday flyers and realized I felt I had a need for some of the stuff. Now, I only look at Walgreens and that is because there are 6 items I buy on sale when they run them. Other than that, I check the grocery ad right when I'm doing my list.

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