Home > No Spending Days

No Spending Days

July 14th, 2013 at 07:04 am

Having a quiet weekend here! I have spent nothing over this weekend, on Friday I went up and paid my Rates which has gone up like most bills this one by $10.00 per quarter, and I bought a Sundae at the fast food outlet here “Hungary Jacks “ as they are have a penny pitcher specials at the moment. So I got a sundae for $1.20 instead around $3.25. One threat once in a while is ok in my book.

So far I have had eleven No spend days so far this period and still have one week to go! I have been spending time on my computer and working on a craft project as all is not lost time wise.

2 Responses to “No Spending Days ”

  1. Shiela Says:

    Good job on NSDs

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Wow, 11 NSD's! Awesome!

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