Home > Bit slack in posting here.

Bit slack in posting here.

June 20th, 2013 at 09:23 pm

I have been working on another site of late but spending very little money too!
One of my hobbies is reading recipes that posted years ago, so as I have joined the Local History group, I was given a link to our National Library Australia digital archives

Text is trove and Link is
trove where they have posted most of our old newspapers and the Australian Women’s Weekly until under copyright periods. So anyone can read these online now.

I have been having fun reading and these old newspapers and Australian Women’s Weekly what I did is studying just one year and period that I am interest in. Copying and correcting recipes as I read them and other information as I found them.

With the newspapers I have been looking out for information for my local history group too!
It’s interesting to see how people lived and worked and died over this period, as I am reading World War Two year as I am interested in how to save money and cooking and rationing during that period.

Text is NLA Trove and Link is
NLA Trove

3 Responses to “Bit slack in posting here.”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Sounds very interesting...and free entertainment and learning are always nice!!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Sounds like something I'd love to do.

  3. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    Just log on to it! It's FREE.

    Is there any site like this one in US?

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