Home > More FREE food and tomato relish with a kick.

More FREE food and tomato relish with a kick.

May 12th, 2013 at 09:10 pm

I have been living off my Greek food for most of the week but I couldn't eat the Easter bread fast enough so I had to bin it. Most of it I froze as I was given more spinach pie I now will have lunch for a few weeks. I have been putting on my new relish them.

I made tomato relish this week and will give away some of that as it's too much for me to eat within the time frame, as I can't eat a lot of it. 3 tablespoons of one lot had me going for ECG. As I took a turn going to the doctor's app. for annual check-up. Looking back it was the tomato relish as my blood pressure and ECG were ok! I had a feast on the tomato relish for 3 days and one has all the things I was food indolence (allergies) years ago. Tomatoes, onions, capsicum, and chilli since I haven't had any for the rest of the week I am ok. No weakness in limbs, chest pains, muscles pains, tiredness, back in pain and neck. I only had tomato sauce last night ok today.

So I will go back to my 5 day rotation of these foods again, see if I am off colour again next time, I eat it.

Here is the recipe.
Tomato Relish with Chilli
1lb ripe skinned tomatoes and chopped
1lb onions - finely chopped
1/2 red Capsicum - deseed and diced
1 long red chilli - deseed and diced or 1 tsp chilli powder or to taste
1 cup sugar
1 cup vinegar - malt vinegar used
2 tsp salt
4 tsp yellow mustard seeds or mustard powder
4 tsp curry powder
6 heaped tsp of tomato paste (optional)*
4 tsp Cornflour (for thickening) and little vinegar or plain flour and little water
Chop tomatoes, onions capsicum and chilli.
Put all ingredients in saucepan and boil for 30 minutes or until texture looks right and you can smell the spices.

*Add tomato paste when you can smell the spices and cook for few minute longer then add cornflour.
Thicken with 4 teaspoons cornflour blended with a little vinegar.
Into a Sterilise Bottles and keep airtight.
3-4 small jars

'Favourite Recipes' Old Charity Cookbook circa - pre 1982- AUS Pre-metric recipe

As we are 4 teaspoons to 1 tablespoon here, I will make the whole recipe into teaspoons. In cups use 8oz cup (227.28ml) - Our cups now are 250ml.

2 Responses to “More FREE food and tomato relish with a kick. ”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    It sounds kind of spicy, is it?

  2. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    Yes it is a bit as it has Curry powder and Mustard seeds in it.

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