Home > Blogoversary - Seven Years today

Blogoversary - Seven Years today

April 28th, 2013 at 10:11 am

I have been writing this blog for seven years now. Sometime I have missed a few months here and there but I have manage to keep update and on track with my budget and writing about some of the things that may help others along the way. It about seven years since these blogs started here so that may be why all the blogs having their Blogoversary around now!

7 Responses to “Blogoversary - Seven Years today ”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Happy anniversary!

  2. snafu Says:

    Great, it's so helpful to learn from someone else's experiences. thank you

  3. twest Says:

    Happy Blogoversary!

  4. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    Happy blogversary!

  5. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    Thanks- It been a learning experience for me too!

    I use this blog to work on my budget and answer any question I can think of like my first year here.

  6. LuckyRobin Says:


  7. Terese Says:

    congratulations - i always enjoy checking in on your blog

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