I will try to answer these questions to my understanding of them.
Do ‘Our governments have ultimate control of utility and health insurance costs?’
Answer to this question NO to ultimate control and YES to some say in control of utility and health insurance costs?
We have three levels of government here. The Federal, State and Local councils as Federal government has input into these utility and health in some way by owing or rebates. They do have some say and can veto price rises but do allow some price rises once per year April for health and July for power. If there no request for higher price rise then does rise by level with the CPI which is around 3%. Of late each group is asking for higher price rises so governments have make the call as they do put money into these areas with rebates and owing the grids and power stations etc. It’s the same with water too!
Power grid in some States that they let the power stations rundown that money had to be found so Federal Government step in but has to be paid back.
The state government’s own the power stations and grids but the suppliers buy it off the governments sell it to us. Once it was all own by the state governments but sold it off now they fix the lines if broken with all these weather events and bush fires it’s costing a fortune. So 50% of the price rise is government inter-structure costs and they set the prices so each power retailers can work out pricing for next year. At first they wanted to up to 500% within five years.
Electric here costs slightly over .09 kWh, what is the rate there?
As for our tariffs we pay much more than you do. Most likely a different system, these prices are off the last bill and not the new ones which come due in July 2013.
Service to property charge (No days) 88 days @ 28.91c , anytime power 26.71c per kWh, off peck rate 22c per kWh (hot water power use to run it), solar power rebate 44c per kWh which is credit off bill.
On top of this I get a pension rebate from state government around $50.51 each quarter. Plus a 9% discount if I pay my bill before the due date. With interest rates at below 3.5% for the best online ones it better to pay before every time.
My usage and costs paid after all discount and rebates for last year
Bill for Dec $52.18 - Days 88 - Anytime 506 kWh - Off peak 9 kWh - Solar rebate 125 kWh
Bill for Sep $84.78 – Days 86 - Anytime 551 kWh - Off peak 95 kWh - Solar rebate 59 kWh
Bill for Jun $68.17 - Days 92 - Anytime 635 kWh - Off peak 16 kWh - Solar rebate 92 kWh
Bill for Dec $71.14 - Days 90 - Anytime 672 kWh - Off peak 5 kWh - Solar rebate 102 kWh
So if I allow around $30 per quarter I should have money left over for surprises.
Only in winter or wet weather do my solar panels cost charges hot water higher and power lower. I do only have one kWh x 6 panels unit and 2 panels x 400L hot water unit.
‘Is your chiro not included under the other health cover?’
Health Chiro costs is covered by health insurance but only to $232.80 per year. I paid annual fee for 12 visits at pensioner rates get 10% off the single fee charged for doing so but only can claim single rebate after each visit. Now you can’t get that interest from any bank for 10% so as I budget for it so I pay in advance. Only down side would be if I had to stop going then I would need to pay a cancelation fee.
My idea is to s-t-r-e-t-c-h my money so by paying early where I can to get rebates and discount or not incurring fines for paying late then I am saving on the overall costs in the end.
It’s better off in your pocket than theirs.
Answers on utility and health insurance costs
February 25th, 2013 at 10:19 am
February 26th, 2013 at 08:12 am 1361866321
I have always claim enough items like glasses, chiro, dental and podiatrist get back the cost of my extras non hospital part of my health cover and government pays via rebate 30% or pensioners 35% of our hospitalcover and would have been around $3132 last Decemeber if they didn’t. Then we have Medicare for some non-hospital health care. Again pensioners get most of this free and but tax levy of 1% or 1½ % is paid by wage earners. Over a certain income they must pay for private health cover or pay more. Our public hospitals are free but there are very long waiting lists for anything to be done.