Manage to get to the city early enough to get all my bill paying done before my first appointment today.
Paid the insurances and my credit cards off in full yet again, lucky there was enough money in my account to pay them. That’s withdrawal of $ 2700 today alone.
Had lunch in city of grill fish and salad, the salad wasn’t as nice as it could have been Avocado and Chicken Salad so next time will stick to a Greek Salad and the Grilled Fish $7.95 plus a Frozen Chilled Fanta $1.00 and Ice cream cone 50c all up the food $9.45.
As the Chiro is paid for this time but will need to outlay next 12 visits with the next visit somewhere around $600 I should think. But do get rebates of $19.40 for each one not much but it helps. My podiatrist cost $38.50 after rebate today.
In all it was expensive day.
All paid
February 7th, 2013 at 09:18 am