I have started using a blood glucose meter for my diabetes; my doctor didn’t think I needed one as I am on diet control alone and my reading is good. I went to a Diabetic 'educator/nurse' for some help in understanding and a bit of guide for this condition. I do get some phone help and I have a 24/7 hour nurse line help run by my private health insurance.
She lent me a blood glucose meter for test that I had to do for her and did this a few days before I saw her for the second time. I didn’t start off too well with a flat battery then unable to use the pen right.
I got there in the end with help from the chemist. I checked the sale catalogues of chemists around here and found are deal on the one had on loan from Diabetic 'educator/nurse'. Normal price here is $59.99 but on special for $39.99 with a $40.00 refund by the company, which now I have applied for.
After the test I have been told I now need to do a test 3 times per week twice per day seeing that I have my own BG meter now. The BG meter picks are expensive but as I now don’t have the cats any more I will use some of that money to cover them.
It’s thought that I am eating too much in the way of fruit and having too much coffee. I will need to revisit some of diet again and focus on my diabetes for now on.
Diabetic 'educator/nurse' visit
May 7th, 2012 at 07:29 pm