Home > Bills and some medical news

Bills and some medical news

February 11th, 2012 at 08:48 am

Car insurance $552 .00 is paid for another year and I got the cost of my house insurance that is to be paid early next month. Which is good for the flooding we had last year, some have got up by 500% I think mine one has only gone up by 18% but then I wasn’t flooded. There is an increase in the amount insured too!

This insurer does cover for all flooding and before Christmas had all last year’s insurance flood claims back in their homes, all 42000 of them. A lot of policies were not covered for flood with other insurers.

I have been getting chest pains on and off for a while now! Told that it was muscular pain and have x-ray to say that too! Here we are getting news that doctors should be checking both arms for blood pressure and not just same one each time if they are not doing this then ask for it to be done.

Text is Blood pressure 'should be measured in both arms' and Link is
Blood pressure 'should be measured in both arms'

There can be a difference in the reading which could prove that there is something wrong and needs to be checked out. I have a wrist blood pressure machine which I check myself if I don’t feel too well.

As I can’t tell I am having a heart pains or just muscular pains in the chest. Taking my blood pressure on same arm that the doctor’s always use my blood pressure is normal to low most of the time. Last weekend I tried both arm tests to see if there was difference in readings. I did it twice once at rest and once after walking around and sitting on the bed. The difference was over 30 points between both readings so I planned a visit to the doctor as soon as possible but first getting my blood test done as I had the form to do that. The blood tests came out normal and diabetic lower than last time. But my blood pressure reading on both arms was 10 points difference between both arm and 10 points is the start point for something amiss.

Doctor sent me for a Stress Test Echo and result came out that I have clear heart arteries but a problem with part of aorta tube which leaking back into the heart and need to be watched. So much for muscular chest pains.

So $599 later less a refund which I will get later in the week that I will have out of pocket expense for about $260, I will now have to make up from somewhere.

It’s luck that I can afford to paid these bills out of floats and bill account without need to worry and Daily Living Allowance which I do monitor here. The money I need to save is too put back the float in my medical float.

So a stretching that dollar again until it the target of $2000 float so that I have extra there as I will need more of these echo sound tests done in the future.

3 Responses to “Bills and some medical news”

  1. mamasita Says:

    I never knew that blood pressure could differ so much on both arms, something to keep in mind at visits in the future.

    Looks like frugality is affording you some piece of mind with these doctor visits, imagine the stress if you couldn't afford to pay! I'm glad that the doctors are keeping watch on your heart, before it develops into something dangerous.

  2. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    That information may have saved my life.

    I always try to add a link if I ever make a statement like that. Then you follow up on it elsewhere there are a few other links if you google it.

  3. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    We have Medicare and private health cover as well a free public hospitals All Private Health covers are personal and no company pays for them which I think is your system.

    The stress test was covered with Medicare, all wage earners are levy in their tax to cover for Medicare but pensioners don’t pay. We get a 30% discount if we paid into a Private Health fund. This may change soon!

    I am covered for Hospital and extra items not cover by Medicare with my private health fund. I also get a Health pension card which allows me to some services free or at lower change as in the case with my GP visits some x-rays and scans and cheaper rates for my Chiro visits.

    Here we have Free public hospitals and privates hospitals which the Health funds covers, if you covered then you don't need to wait for operations which can be years in some cases. If I am put into hospital during the year then I will need to have $500 levy to pay only once per year with the fund I am in. This $500 sits in my banking account ready to use at any time.

    No one is left out not being able to see a doctor here but you have to wait for some services. Most things are free in public hospital system but the waiting period can be long one.

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