I only had a few things to get as I don’t give that many present out now. My family is small and don’t give a large expensive gifts to anyone. I believe in the thought that count side of gift giving, if you can afford to give a lot then do!
I always give to some charity or medical research but only what I can afford. This year I have given to the Salvos and Hospital search team asking for one more doctor for the team in Liver research.
Liver Appeal brochure PDF
This Christmas the PA Research Foundation needs your help: Dr Elizabeth Powell and her team are addressing the toughest form of chronic liver disease; fibrosis or cirrhosis of the liver - which more often than not results in end stage liver disease where the only treatment option, if available, is a liver transplant. To achieve this urgent research the PA Research Team desperately needs $90,000 to be raised to engage a specialist researcher to support this project.
I think this will be doable!
This research may save lives in the future around the world because there sure aren’t lot of donated livers around.
Want is it with some other charities; I keep getting requests for money with free items in them. I keep the free items because they have my name on them mainly address labels but thanks but no thanks. I don’t give to this kind of charity because they are run by businesses and give a percentage of the earning to the charity whom name they used and it’s quite small amount. Tick this box for a monthly donation of $50, $100 what who can afford this kind of donation when living below the poverty line in their country I sure can’t.
December 16th, 2011 at 03:38 pm 1324049908
So far the only large group I for sure joined again was Sierra CLub. And the next one if I do, will be my local NPR radio channel.
Maybe if I can, am going to give some donation to the school my kids attend. But not for sure cause I don't know if they have to give $$ to the district and that administration is JUNK!! I want to help this particular school, so I might ask what they want.
December 16th, 2011 at 06:48 pm 1324061306