Home > Fixing Landline & Internet Problems

Fixing Landline & Internet Problems

October 14th, 2011 at 07:48 am

Well today my new internet system arrived for my computer, as the computer & phone company that I am with is no longer having cable in some areas. So anyone in these areas being cut off from the cable for good. I thought maybe it’s just our street but I found out today that our next suburb is loosing their cable lines as well. It’s because our energy supplier has put some areas underground and therefore removing all the lampposts holing up these cables and with the national broadband coming here within the next two years they are not going underground so it’s sign up with the underground supplier or go Wi-Fi & mobile only that’s what I have gone with. My Wi-Fi Mobile broadband pod arrived today, it’s slower than my cable set up but I will learn to live with it. As for my mobile, I am still working though with that one. I still have about week to fix it up before I lose my landline altogether. I will be paying a lot more for a less then useful serves from what I have been told. I still don’t know how much more per month. Finding the plan for your style of use is the biggest problem. I am looking at three that look promising. Having my own phone I can switch if I find one not working.

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