Home > Fruit & Vegetable Box

Fruit & Vegetable Box

July 22nd, 2011 at 11:16 am

I got a bargain today in my fruit & vegetables box for $7.00. One of the local greengrocer has these bargain boxes most times but I never have bought one before as normally they are of box of one or two kind per box, last time it was Granny Smith apples $2.00 per box but today all the boxes were mixed vegetables and some fruit or mushrooms as the cherries looked ok I bought the one with cherries in it.

2 large red onions
7 lbs (3 ½ kg) small chat potatoes
1 leek
1 Zucchini
4 large tomatoes
1 large ripe avocado
1 Cos lettuce
1lb (500g) Brussels sprouts
8 orange carrots
4 purple carrots (never cooked these before)
4 corn cobs
2 navel oranges
1lb (500g) cherries - grown in US (marked $5.99)

I did cook one of the purple carrots with a normal carrot just got to remember to cook them on their own in future as it dye the normal one and all the water went purple but they tasted ok.

All this will be good for my diabetic diet.

2 Responses to “Fruit & Vegetable Box ”

  1. HouseHopeful Says:

    Great score with the fruit box! I don't have anything like that at my grocery store, but I do have a Farmer's Market in close proximity. I utilize their deals all the time.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Wow, what a bargain. The purple carrots would have intrigued me!

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