Home > Fruit and Vegetables Shopping

Fruit and Vegetables Shopping

January 25th, 2011 at 07:45 am

At the moment our fruit & vegetables prices is set to rise around here. We are all trying to buy Australian grown so we keep our farmers in business that has something to sell. The quality of the fruit & vegetables is not as good before floods but what do you expect when you have 3 states with flooding and another one will go under in the next few weeks remember I said in an earlier post that South Australia will end up with most this water in the end.

So far I have bought seedless grapes, watermelon, bananas, oranges and mixed salad greens as tomatoes are to expensive to buy so are apples around $9.99KG (2.2lbs). Most have blemishes on them but are eatable all the same. Around Queensland milk is still short supply as our main supplier went under in the Brisbane flood same as last time in 1974.

3 Responses to “Fruit and Vegetables Shopping ”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Every night as I go to bed I hear one final news report which tells of the flooding severity in your country. It seems relentless.

  2. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    Some parts of Queensland still has water in some houses, I think St George went under again this week.

    In Victoria the Snowy Mountains send the water back into inland so it will end up in the Murry River which was almost empty 12 months ago and all lakes and Dam empty but this flooding is about 20 km wided in places.

  3. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    No Jerry a lot of people are not covered by insurance as most of the flooding is river flooding not flash flooding.

    Now we are on watch for TWO Cyclones (Hurricanes) next week coming into Queensland, one is Category 2 and another Category 4. Do remember all this flooding came from Cyclone Category 1 on Christmas Day as it joined up with monsoon trough at the time. We still have monsoon trough around. There is another cyclone in WA too!

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