Home > Blackout and Microwave

Blackout and Microwave

January 22nd, 2011 at 05:17 am

While the floods were on and having a blackout because of the flooding when one of the substation when under in our area. I wasn’t affected in the floods but lost of power for 4 hours and all the traffic lights were out around us and the businesses were on half power or rolling blackouts. Places went under water only 200 metres down the hill from where I live and the shopping centre is out of action for a number of months as it went underwater to the roof around 30 shops and businesses.

My 22 year old microwave decided to stop working and I had go out an get a replacement which I did when the rain stopped and some of the roads were safe to drive on. So I went looking at a large shopping centre not affected by the flood to price out a new one. My budget for a replacement was around the $300.00 mark for the largest and best in that price range. I looked at a number of models started to cross check pricing between stores. As I wanted 34L model with large inside cooking area. Most I found didn’t have large inside cooking area. It was between two models of the same brand that I liked LG - 34L 1100W - 3446 or 3448 models the only problem was, that they didn’t have any in stock to buy. One place was selling them for $226 (3446 model) and another $219 but no stock for 2 weeks but with all the microwaves that will be sold in the next few weeks, it could be months. So I came home without one. Later in the afternoon my DF-D was going out to drop off some items for the flood victims so I went with her and afterwards we went shopping for my microwave in a different shopping centre. I end up getting the LG - 34L 1100W - 3446W one for $200.00 cash. So I saved $26 on that model and $100 less than I budgeted for.

3 Responses to “Blackout and Microwave ”

  1. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    Great deal!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Looks like waiting worked out for you.

  3. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    Carol you were lucky to get one but I can afford to buy one, and will leave any Freecycle one for a flood victim as there are 1000's of families that are not covered by insurance. If I was flood I would have been covered, as only 2 insurance companies are covering for flooding I am with one of them. It's a big issue here at moment.

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