Home > Frugal Living Challenge - Revisited

Frugal Living Challenge - Revisited

January 2nd, 2011 at 09:01 pm

I will be combining most of it not all my challenges of the past years under this challenge.

I just got to reduce my spending for now!

I don’t have any personal debts at this time, only regular ones that normally come to everyone who own a house.

I do have some major jobs on the house over the next few years starting with painting the outside. A new kitchen and updating the bathroom are next one’s to save for, yes I only will have the jobs done when the money is there to pay in cash for them. Also a new washing machine and microwave as well upgrade on my computer system in next few years.

So my motto will stand for another year or two.

Its real hard to come up with $1000 but its easy to find 1000 ways to save a dollar or two!

So lets go and find those 1000 ways to save a dollar challenge and see what’s amount is at the end of 12 months.

I'm planning a frugal living year for 2011 so it's to spend wisely and only on needs, planned purchases and emergency replacements, so if I can do without it I will. This is because a few changes are around the corner and I have decided to go with the hospital cover and just make myself afford it after I had that fall last week.

So planning a very minimum frugal year by using what in the house or can be borrowed. This includes some food items, laundry & toilet paper, toiletries, linen, household goods, cookware, books, clothes & underwear etc, (buying only if I change sizes too much in clothing).

~ No Spending but for planned items. (If I have an item in the house or can borrow it, then I'm to use that first.)
~ Find ways to make my own grocery & cleaning items instead of buying them.
~ Repairing anything that can be fixed.
~ Two items that will be replaced if the breakdown are Washing machine and Microwave money has been put aside for these if I need them. (Microwave now replaced $200)
~ Have my credit card at Zero balance by end of the each month.
~ Come under budget each month and deposit into the online accounts any leftover amounts.
~ Pay All Due Bills on pension days or ahead of time. (As my budget is now in Excel, I can see a working model of these figures. When due and approx amount needed for each month.)
~ Chiro visit (one every 4 weeks)
~ Known outings are budgeted for, as social events.
~ Making and setting up emergency survival kit & resources.
~ Saving as much cash I can for my next project.

On a pension with limited funds I need to come up with little challenges to make them happen.

Note – Savings $stretch is the different between original regular price and money handed over. Coming under $stretch category

2 Responses to “ Frugal Living Challenge - Revisited ”

  1. crazyliblady Says:

    I noticed you said you were going to try to find a way to make your own cleaning items. I haven't bought window cleaner in a few years because I make a sort of all purpose cleaner by taking a 20 oz spray bottle and putting about 1/2 white vinegar, 1/2 water, and a squirt of dish soap. It seems to clean everything up pretty well as far as mirrors, counter tops, and the inside of the fridge. I have not tried it on the tub, though. I still seem to have to buy oven cleaner. If anyone comes up with a homemade oven cleaner, please let me know, as we would really rather not use the chemical stuff.

  2. My English Castle Says:

    Great Goals!

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