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A fall and Heath Cover and Levy

December 27th, 2010 at 11:09 pm

I still pondering about the hospital cover this year, I still have two weeks to do it before I need to pay an extra 2% on top of that amount quoted. I will have to pay this levy for next 10 years before it’s reduce down to what a 31 year old is paying which is 40% less than the quote given for this year. Now will I live to 75 is the big question and can I afford $20000 plus for next 10 years on a pension with the cost of living around here tripling in next 3 years. My figures say I can just do it but will have out of pocket expensive also plus the extra $500 on top. This $500 will be a float that I would need to budget for each year if I go into hospital every year.

I will need to re-just my spending as I’m planning to do the blue ribbon cover with the $500 out of pocket. As I had a fall yesterday on the back steps as everything is becoming mossy with all this rain we have had, just for the record it hasn’t been this wet since 1854 that long before our major floods here in our city, 1893, 1896 & 1974. I have a small garden bed that water is not draining down into the soil as its very large pipe and can’t be pull out an time soon. Oh my falls, I only hurt my elbow and thumb on different arms nothing broken just sore. I have asked my son to use his machine to clean my paths & steps ASAP. I may go and buy one myself soon.

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