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Saved $575 this morning at Garage Sale

November 20th, 2010 at 10:06 pm

Seeing that I didn’t have to go to my friend place for breakfast this morning I went to a Church Garage Sale instead. Not much in the way of things but I did find some craft books there so I bought what I bought I liked for $2.00 plus household items that I need for my project in the future at the price they were asking its buy now or never. I got metal napkin holder, metal plate, 2 bread & butter plates café style and placemat for $1.00.

Then I went to another section and pick up a beaded belt that I can use the beads for my craft necklace that I wear. I bought four books 3 medical ones and English text book $6.00.
Having spent my money I went home as I was walking I couldn’t buy too much then.

I went back to get some lunch but they were sold out of food. So I bought the balance of the craft books for $3.00 plus another kitchen garget that I didn’t see the first time around $1.00. Bought 7 craft books on the other stall $2. All up I spent $15.00 on both trips just one street over from my place and 4 houses as the crows.

I just did the RRP value of my bootie and I am in shock, the RRP on the books alone $538 and all up $590 on everything. That’s $575 saving. If I ever need some cash I could sell some of them as I will never use all of them, as I may have some of them in my storage boxes but at 20c each you need take it now and sell the extras later. I ask the Rev. if I could buy the balance of the craft books he said if I wanted too so I gave him an extra dollar for the balance so I had two pick then bought the balance as I didn’t buy lunch in the end.

Mommy cat helping me taking stock of what I bought

Some of craft books

The pile of craft books 21mm high, most are cross-stitch patterns

2 Responses to “ Saved $575 this morning at Garage Sale ”

  1. patientsaver Says:

    really cute kittie....

  2. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    She is 14 years old and her son is 13.

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