Home > Hospital Cover Dilemma

Hospital Cover Dilemma

November 5th, 2010 at 10:05 am

I am trying to add the cost of hospital cover to my bill budget, before I have pay a lot more as I get older if I don’t, as it is I have to pay an age surgechange of 40% now and it will go up by 2% each year that I delay. This will mean an extra $95 per month on top of what I am out laying now for all other bills.

This is because up till now I couldn’t afford to cover for hospital and we have a free public hospital here, but they are now over crowded with a very long waiting list for any surgery. This hospital cover I am thinking of getting is just for basic cover, so I may have to go to public free hospital if I need major surgery like hip or knee replacement. I will have an excess of $500 for hospital per year if need it but will have a float to cover this part.

By putting away around $300 each fortnight I can do this, but any car services will need to come out my personal living area of my budget. I am thinking that may be by buying a few less books and few other little treats at times when I do have to do something with the car, as I always have floats so I can borrow from these at pinch and pay back as soon as possible by cutting back on wants but not needs.

2 Responses to “Hospital Cover Dilemma ”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I'm glad you will be able to get your hospital coverage. We are using 30% of our income for insurance. If it gets significantly worse, I think we will just give up our car all together.

  2. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    I got 5 weeks to sign up for this or I will pay more next year. I worked this out with my Bill Estmate Tracker that I made in Excel. $300 is the minimum so that I can keep my float $1200 for the following year's budget. I have a rollover bill budget. More about this in another blog.

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