Home > Complete Protein Myth

Complete Protein Myth

October 29th, 2010 at 12:46 pm

This question came up in the last blog - I could be wrong but I thought in order to get the complete protein that you had to eat the rice and beans at the same time. ~Aleta

I did a bit of research today on this topic, this is what I did find so do have look at the first four links then just pick any of the others that takes you interest to view. This theory was initially promoted in Frances Moore Lappe, 1971 bestseller Diet for a Small Planet. In which she in her later edition did changed her position on protein combining. In the 1981 edition of Diet for a Small Planet view text in this article

Text is Protein combining and Link is
Protein combining

Text is "Complete" Proteins? and Link is
"Complete" Proteins?
Text is Eating Beans and Rice and Link is
Eating Beans and Rice with recipes
Text is Complementary Protein Myth Won't Go Away! and Link is
Complementary Protein Myth Won't Go Away!
Text is The Protein Myth and Link is
The Protein Myth

Text is Do beans need to be combined with rice to make a protein? and Link is
Do beans need to be combined with rice to make a protein?
Text is Vegetarians: Pondering Protein? and Link is
Vegetarians: Pondering Protein?
What alternative proteins are there for vegetarians and how much protein should a healthy vegetarian main course meal provide?

Text is What's Complete Protein -Inquiring Vegetarians Want Know and Link is
What's Complete Protein -Inquiring Vegetarians Want Know
Text is Human Protein Requirements and Link is
Human Protein Requirements
Text is Food for Thought and Link is
Food for Thought

1 Responses to “Complete Protein Myth”

  1. Tortoise Says:

    Hello Kitty ;-), I so glad you are blogging about the protein myth.

    In the early eighties I had a used first edition of "Diet For A Small Planet" and did the protein complementary stuff for years. Basing recipes on amino acids instead of flavor isn't a good idea.

    Then one day I came across a later copy of her book. It said that she was wrong. That the incomplete protein stuff was based on research with rats milk. I had been eating an ideal diet for a rat! No wonder the recipes were no good.

    Frances Moore Lappé really impressed me with the later edition of the book. Protein complementary had made her famous. Then she had the courage to come out and say that she was wrong. She did say that it was still fun, but I don't remember it being much fun at all.

    John Robbins walked away from the Baskin Robbin's fortune for Vegan reasons. His second book explains Vegan related myths and the reasons why they exist Vegan related myths and why they are perpetuated. " May All Be Fed: Diet For A New World ". It has fantastic low fat Vegan Recipes.

    His first book is pretty much his second book but without recipes and with a great many footnotes. "Diet for a New America" He made a documentary too.

    Here are two parting points. There has never been a protein deficiency in anyone that was not starving. Cats don't make happy Vegans.

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