Home > De-cluttering Old Computer Printouts

De-cluttering Old Computer Printouts

October 6th, 2010 at 07:36 pm

When I first got my computer & printer, I didn’t connect to the internet for a few years as I was still learning about computers & printers. I didn’t know much about downloading so I printed off the net when first got it. Now it’s time to go though some of these old printouts that I had made then. This was when money was very short and I became very interested in frugal living or ways of cutting costs big time. Some of these printouts are no longer available on the net or very hard to fine as these websites have been revamped or closed down years ago. Anything of interest now I will keep and get rid of the rest as most are more than 10 years old. The only one that I still can get online is

Text is Dollar Stretcher and Link is
Dollar Stretcher all the others have gone or no longer have this information.

Some of it makes very interested reading now and I can see how these did shape my ideas over time but its time to let go.

2 Responses to “De-cluttering Old Computer Printouts”

  1. Ralph Says:

    It's a shame that Internet content fades away over time - with the low cost of storage now I don't see why. But I guess it is natural to destroy the old to make way for the new, like forest fires, death and birth, etc. I guess I am just a packrat/nostalgic at heart. I'll never forget as a kid buying a big stack of old Organic Gardening magazines, and it was like a time machine back to our agrarian past - very cool!

  2. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    I got newsletters from -Balancing Act but I can't this link to work now. I do have all the printout from this one but not on the computer.

    theme was another one that has gone but only got a few printout of these.

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