As I work on 28 day cycles, my dates may be out to a calendar months so here are the figures for my last period.
It’s time to start again on reviewing my monthly daily living allowance.
These are the categories for this challenge.
Items === Approx Budget===Spent
Eating out===$35.00=====$32.60
Groceries===$135.50 ==== $86.74
Non-Food===$17.00= ====$9.00
Clothes ====$35.00=====$5.00
Pets====== $50.00=== ==$78.14
HH items===$42.50======$54.94
Fares== ====$9.00 =====$20.00
Entrainments= $12.00
Garden =====$10.00=====$36.00
Gifts & Donations =$35.00=== $25.00
Medical =====$15.00=====$2.95
Misc ======$9.00
Personal Allowance =$85.00 ==$48.28
Budgeted for this period $530 spent $419.65
No Spending days over the 28 days = 18 days in total.
I have been spending a little more on some books and gardening over the last month, also had my haircut and donated to the Pakistan flood too! As I had more bus rides in August I had to top up my bus ticket again. I did spend extra in my budgeted bill area as it was time to pay some large bills this month and in the coming months so will need to kept this area under control as more large utilities bills are due before the end of the year. My credit cards are still paid in full each month. I am still under my budgeted allowance so I am on track.
Financial summery of the past month
September 19th, 2010 at 08:11 pm
September 20th, 2010 at 04:57 pm 1284998257