Home > Will be not out of pocket by the looks of it

Will be not out of pocket by the looks of it

February 22nd, 2010 at 08:36 pm

The Solar Hot Water rebate was scrapped last Friday and reduced to $1000 and comes in next June with a new scheme will not affect me. As I have paid my part of this scheme and I am registered with the State scheme it will be still covered if they install the system in one month before March 19.

As the company that is installing it have cut off all contract for now. Panic went into overdrive but then you had to phone a special number where you were told what was going on. I just have to wait for a phone call from the company for a rebooking of the installing date. If they dont make it by the March 19, I have been told not to worry as the State Gov will pick up the tab for the different in cost after that date.

So I will be not out of pocket and dont have to find the $1600 upfront then wait 6 months for a refund.

1 Responses to “Will be not out of pocket by the looks of it”

  1. tightwad kitty Says:

    Still have not heard a thing from the installing company but I will give them until a few days before the cut off date then phone the State Gov phone number about it again. Patience is what I need I think.

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