Home > Annual Summary Daily Living Allowance part of my budget for 2009

Annual Summary Daily Living Allowance part of my budget for 2009

January 3rd, 2010 at 06:38 pm

Eating out ----------$630.98--------over target by $228.98
Groceries -----------$911.33--------under target by $714.67
Non -Food ----------$90.41---------under target by $107.59
Clothes -------------$288.40--------under target by $173.60
Grooming -----------$166.72--------over target by $16.72
Gas -----------------$166.86--------under target by $133.14
Pets ----------------$439.37--------under target by $ 148.63
HH items ------------$413.20--------under target by $58.73
Fares ---------------$87.20----------under target by $14.80
Entrainment----------$228.27--------over target by $78.27
Garden---------------$224.67--------over target by $122.67
Gift & Donations------$304.66---------under target by $97.34
Medical --------------$1110.66-------over target by $930.66
Misc -----------------$112.63--------over target by $10.63
Personal Allowance----$888.71--------under target by $119.29

Daily Living Allowance allotted amount for 2009 was $6210 and I spent total $6063.78--under target by $146.22.

Even with a medical extra outlay owning to eye problems this year and being over in five other categories, I still just manage to come under my budget allotment for 2009. As I have extra float for emergency Medical expenses to draw on to cover these costs, the problem of being short money for the year didnt rise.

This does give me the idea that I am subconsciously set myself amount to spend then holding back on some things if I think that I have to cut on my spending because I spend a lot one area that was needed like the medical.

3 Responses to “Annual Summary Daily Living Allowance part of my budget for 2009”

  1. homebody Says:

    Congratulations on staying under budget. Quite an accomplishment!

  2. tightwad kitty Says:

    In todays world and all GFC talk its a wonder that anyone is staying under budget. I just to have a repeat of last year budget as I am on a fixed income and haved been for the lasted 10 years!

  3. Carol Hardie Says:

    Hi Kitty,really enjoy reading your annual summery of your daily living allowance,i too am on a fixed in-come,which is very low,so i have to follow a very tight budget,thank's for sharing,Carol

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