Home > A lot stuff stored in cupboards

A lot stuff stored in cupboards

December 7th, 2009 at 11:10 pm

Someone said the other day Do remember what you have stored before you go and buy more.

This is very true, I must have bought over the years heaps of stuff from bargain bins as well closing down sales that I have been to over the years. So much so that my storage areas are now overflowing with stuff, all good and usable too! I now dont go to any closing down sales or even look in to many bargain bins anymore I just leave it all for others now. I may from time to time look at food bargain bin ones if its a great buy that I will use very soon then I may buy it.

I can get very mad with myself if I need something and then have bought it just because that I forgot that I had it in the store cupboard. I have bought over the years number items because I did direct selling at one time and finish up with a lot of stuff leftover that I still need to use up even now!. I just dont even think about buying these items in supermarkets or department stores now!

One cupboard is still full of beauty products as I dont go by best before dates, I will use them up if they still look ok to me as they are all still sealed. Most were samples or special deals that I got as I end up my own best customer so I got out that side line once I work this out.

1 Responses to “A lot stuff stored in cupboards”

  1. DeniseNTexas Says:

    I'm guilty of buying stuff that I already have but I haven't done that in three or so years, I guess. I keep most things down to a minimum (other than food) so it's easy to see what we have and need. I think most of us do it at times, though.

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