Home > Review of My Daily Living Allowance for June & July

Review of My Daily Living Allowance for June & July

July 29th, 2009 at 11:18 am

It is time to review my daily living allowance for the next two months of my 2009 budget.

These are the categories for this challenge.

Items ==budget==spent

Eating out= $67==$82.25
Groceries=$271.00= = $134.77
Non-Food=$33.00= =$9.48
Clothes =$67.00==$25
Gas=$50.00 ==$33.27
Pets= $98.00 ==$41.66
HH items=$83.00==$31.72
Fares= $17.00 == $22.20
Entrainments= $25.00 == $4
Garden =$17.00==$3
Gifts & Donations =$67.00= =$8.50
Medical Prescription =$30==$82.20
Misc =$17.00 ==$0
Personal Allowance =$168.00 ==$125.69

No Spending days over the 56 days = 32 days in total.

My eating out in this period included a few restaurant meals so its over budget but not a great deal this period. Grocery came in under by about 50% but I am cutting back so I can use some of my stockpile and near out of date stock. Pets were another one that I am under this period by about 57% but will be restocking some items over next few weeks. Medical is out of pocket medical expenses more still to come in this period too! Eye specialists are expense I hope to get the bottom of my problem soon!

On personal allowance front I am still ahead but this does include books which is my weakness as 65% were books. Some were new and some old antique ones that I found last month.

As for next period my Gifts & Donations will skyrocket as I do have a few birthdays coming soon.

2 Responses to “Review of My Daily Living Allowance for June & July ”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Hello T.Kitty. How did the first part of August go?

  2. tightwad kitty Says:

    Great I think as I do my first month's budget check on Friday.

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