Home > Wartime Economical Sponge Sandwich Recipe

Wartime Economical Sponge Sandwich Recipe

July 14th, 2009 at 11:22 am

1 tablespoon (4 teaspoons) dripping or butter
1 egg
1 level teaspoon soda
1 cup of milk (8oz)
1 cup sugar
2 cups self-raising flour

Beat dripping and sugar
Add well-beaten egg.
Sift in flour.
Add milk in which soda has been dissolved.
Bake in a moderate oven for 20 minutes.

Variation: To make good Ginger Cake.
Omit the egg but add 1 tablespoon of treacle or golden syrup and 1 teaspoon ground ginger to this mixture.
Note: 1 tablespoon (Australian) = 4 teaspoons, 1 teaspoon = 5ml and the cup at this period were an 8oz cup.

Original recipe only had dripping but butter or margarine can be used instead.

This recipe won a weekly prize for an economical recipe competition during WW2.

This is the recipe typo - 1 kevek teasoiib sida that was in previous blog.

4 Responses to “Wartime Economical Sponge Sandwich Recipe”

  1. miz pat Says:

    Do you think I could make this recipe with Splenda? I'm diabetic, but it sounds lovely.

    My father fought in WWII in the Pacific early on in the war with MacArthur's troops working in conjunction with Austrailian troops. Your recipe made me remember his stories about the war (what few he would tell).

    Dad hated coffee and loved tea, but the MRE's the military gave out always had coffee or a limeade (green death, my dad called it). He said an Australian soldier gave him a tin of tea and he made it stretch 6 months into the war. He also told me about being stuck on an island filled with Japanese troops, and all the weapons there were Australian ordnance. Their ordnance ship had been sunk by the Japanese. Then the Australian troops showed up and were able to use the ordnance, and they saved the day.

    He told me how he missed bread, and how when he got on a navy ship, he asked the cook if he had bread. The man had no bread but he did have cold pancakes, and Dad thought they tasted like heaven.

    Sorry - didn't mean to run on - I hope I can try your recipe.

  2. tightwad kitty Says:

    I believe Splenda can be substitute for sugar, I don’t know the ratio so you will need to read up on this.

  3. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Interesting. BTW, in the US 1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons. And one teaspoon equals 5 ml.

  4. tightwad kitty Says:

    Us Aussies have always been different in this, and yes the teaspoon is 5ml. I still don't know when it started but all the cookbooks that I have, have the Aussie tablespoon equals 4 teaspoons. I do have cookbooks that go back to 1916 some may be earlier but have no date in them.

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