Last Saturday the temperature in Victoria got to 46.4C in Melbourne, with 90km hot dry winds, with total fire ban. Then the country side became a fireball after 10 years of drought in Victoria. One fire controller said that normally fires are rated on 1 to 100 scale but this fire was 320 in scale.
I am been overwhelm with tragedy in country Victoria that I have been watching for days now. Today I made an effort to get the bank to make a deposit for these victims of these Bushfires. I also donated to the Queensland flood victims and some of them are planning to donate they hand outs (our government is giving one off payments to all natural disaster victims) to the Victoria Bushfires Appeal who think they need in more. Some flood victims have been flooded twice in one week may get flood again next week too!
You can link to stories via these links. Its changing daily and at times hourly.
Resident records tragedy
Victorian bushfire survivor, Sam the koala, a global star
Victorian Bushfires Videos
February 10th, 2009 at 09:17 pm 1234300651
February 10th, 2009 at 09:50 pm 1234302615
Hope you and all yours are safe.
February 11th, 2009 at 06:48 am 1234334927
February 12th, 2009 at 06:15 am 1234419341
Australian Redcross
Here is where they are taking online donations here.
May be the Australian embassy