Time to review my daily living allowance for the first two months of my 2009 budget.
First I would like to say that I dont work on a calendar months as my budget always starts a few weeks before Christmas as I am procrastinator if I dont do it then it will take months for me to getting done if at all. I am working on it.
I am hoping to cut over $1000 from it over the year on what I spent last year or better. Its all those little items included that mount up. As this the area that I do have some control over in my spending.
First number is what I have averaging amount budgeted for these two months; second figure is what I have spent. The figures in brackets are the area and amount spent with the stimulus package see below.
Eating out= $67==$91.59
Groceries=$271.00= = $94.56
Non-Food=$33.00= =$14.50
Clothes =$67.00==$116 (-$90)
Gas=$50.00 ==$36.03
Pets= $98.00 ==$24.33
HH items=$83.00==$311.95 (- $260)
Fares= $17.00 == $0
Entrainments= $25.00 == $19
Garden =$17.00==$19
Gifts & Donations =$67.00= =$106.57
Medical Prescription =$10==$0
Misc =$17.00 ==$15.95
Personal Allowance =$168.00 ==$118.03
$1015 + $350 = $1365 to spend over this period, spent $986.51 came under by $378.49
The plan was to spend part of $1400 Stimulus package in these two months, I ended up spending on CD player $260 and on a watch $90 = $350 banking the balance. Spending was as normal over Christmas period but was cutting back on grocery & pet food over these months.
Review of My Daily Living Allowance for December & January
February 5th, 2009 at 11:06 am
February 5th, 2009 at 03:23 pm 1233847424
February 5th, 2009 at 04:43 pm 1233852213
Does every citizen of AU get a $1400 stimulus package? How does that work?
February 6th, 2009 at 10:57 am 1233917865
2nd stimulus package is for tax payers of 2007-2008 under income of $100,000 and family benifit A & B with school children 4 to 18, if it gets pass by our senate. Not everyone get the same amount it's scaled on income & number of children. I don't get it this time.
February 9th, 2009 at 09:04 pm 1234213471
February 10th, 2009 at 07:32 pm 1234294376