I do have a few floats so that I have money if I ever need it. These are basic amounts to start with as I do have a credit card to pay any difference, with a plan to pay off the credit card ASAP if I ever have to use them. Starting with the float amount I have already haves saved. Floats - Emergency Fund -$1000, Car Repair Fund - $1000, Vet Fund - $300 so I would have some money in an emergency to start with plus my Bill Account starting Float - $1300.
These are my projected monthly figure for my Daily Living Budget and any thing not listed is to come out of my Personal Allowance or is covered in fixed budgeted Bill Account.
Eating out $33.50
Groceries $135.50
Non- Food $16.50
Clothes $33.50
Grooming $12.50
Gas $25
Pets $49
HH items $41.50
Fares $8.50
Entrainments $12.50
Garden $8.50
Gifts & Donations $33.50
Medical Prescription $5
Misc $8.50
Personal Allowance $84
Medications here are subsidized and as a pensioner pay only $5.00 per prescription most times. I am lucky in that I have only one prescription each month to fill.
On comparing 2008 year budget with 2009 projected budget, I have managed to prune off over $285 so far. I am hoping to not to use all money that I have projected but to find saving where I can both in my bill budget and daily living allowance. As I do not pay rent but do have all the others bills that go with owing your own home then some. If I do save any money next year then some lucky painter will get a job to paint my house as this my next project to work on.
Having over projected on my Fixed Bill Account by 20- 40% in most cases, with floats in place for any emergency that comes along and my projected daily living budget with a low but fixed income in the form a single age pension. Which even our government members has said, they could not live on it at today prices. It is around 40% of basic wage here. My pension is only $1135.80 a month to live on. I do think I can survive a global recession.
Making a my budget work for global recession 4
November 23rd, 2008 at 07:12 am
November 24th, 2008 at 12:27 pm 1227529648
Gardening surplus will reduce food purchases, as well as canning extras.
November 25th, 2008 at 09:16 pm 1227647802