Home > Massage Machine Update

Massage Machine Update

August 17th, 2008 at 04:35 am

I did end up buying the massage machine. It’s great I have used it every day since, both my doctor and chiropractor was happy that it has worked. My visit to the chiropractor last week was the first time that I wasn’t tense up as my muscles have been for such a long time.

Now it’s time to get back into the garden and make my third vegetable garden plot for spring and summer here.

Text is Casada Manual and Link is
Casada Manual

Text is Picture of Casada Deluxe Maxiwell Massager and Link is
Picture of Casada Deluxe Maxiwell Massager

Weekly Main Meals Menu

Sunday ~ Leftover’s night
Monday ~ Pasta with Tuna & Tomato Sauce
Tuesday ~ Chicken Schnitzel & Egg with Vegetables
Wednesday ~ Teriyaki Beef & Noodles
Thursday ~ Corn Beef & Vegetables
Friday ~ Seafood Casserole with Rice
Saturday Grilled Steak & Onions, Mashed Potatoes with Baked Beans

6 Responses to “Massage Machine Update”

  1. Amber Says:

    What is the name of the machine?

  2. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    Casada - Maxiwell
    made in Germany

  3. Amber Says:


  4. LuxLiving Says:

    So glad that your machine is working for you! That's good news.

    What are you planting?

  5. Analise Says:

    Is the price of $499 in US dollars? I wish I knew where to get one in the USA as it sounds like something that would help me with my back pain.

  6. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    Text is American supplier and Link is
    American supplier
    I don't know how much it would be in the US or how its sold over there!

    That's my supplier price AUS via internet plus $30 P&P in Australia but much cheaper if bought at a Show Demo and taken that day. I paid $389AU for mine and as I took it home myself no P&P. So $140 off price that price.


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