I had visitors here, number of day trips to the country and little time to get on here. Now things are back to routine so I will be able to post more.
With the price of gas now, I did drive my own car doing over 500 km while they were here. I did go to a country town and found some canning bottles for under 30c each, I will have to buy lids and seal when I do get around to using them. I will find time to review my chutney bottles and get new lids and seals as I haven’t use them for along while.
Starting a new vegetable garden here, one of my visitors did dig the beds for me, now I am waiting a few weeks to let the mulch kill some of the weeds that may be in the lawn area that is now vegetable garden. I was looking up the seed companies online as I wish to void hybrid seeds where possible. I will be going organic with this garden. I do know that planting times are very important around here as we are sub tropics here. So I have made a list of what will grow here all year around, fall & winter, spring & summer. These lists will help when planting out and when. Some vegetables I will never eat so will not be buying them. So far I have spent around $100 on garden soil mixtures and edging bricks. Will be spending about $35 on seeds but these will be for next three years of planting.
Weekly Main Meals Menu
Sunday ~ Roast Chicken & Vegetables
Monday ~ Omelet with salad
Tuesday ~ Grilled Steak & Onions, Mashed Potatoes with Baked Beans
Wednesday ~ Leftovers night
Thursday ~ Grilled Sausages with Onions & Grilled Tomato
Friday ~ Salmon Patties with Vegetables
Saturday ~ Pasta with Tuna & Tomato Sauce
Back to routine
April 27th, 2008 at 10:18 am
April 27th, 2008 at 08:42 pm 1209325332
May 6th, 2008 at 01:12 pm 1210075947
I myself have noticed a 50% increase in food prices, not to mention GAS in the US. We have started a fruit orchard, this year on our property. Mostly Peaches, Plums, cherries, hazelnuts, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries.
Next year we plan to add veggies -- mostly greens like spinach, broc. & bon choi, pak chio, asparag., sweet peas, etc...