Home > New batteries for smoke detectors

New batteries for smoke detectors

March 23rd, 2008 at 10:22 am

This week it’s time to charge the batteries in the smoke detectors, I have 3 of them so I went and bought a pack of 4 x 9 volt batteries @ $16.57 pack or if I wished to buy them in single packs @ $6.99 a pack it’s crazy but I’m saving money by buying four. As three of them would have cost $ 20.97 and I got four for $16.57 value of $27.96 saving $11.39 on the four. It’s the end of our day light savings in the Southern States, we don’t have it here. Fire dept recommends’ to change at beginning of the day light saving but as I did put new ones up at this time last year I’m doing at end of it each year, it still one year but at a different time of the year.

Weekly Main Meal Menu

Sunday ~ Grilled Sausages with Onions & Grilled Tomato
Monday ~ Apricot Chicken with rice
Tuesday ~ Pasta with Tuna & Tomato Sauce
Wednesday ~ Omelet with salad
Thursday ~ Leftovers night
Friday ~ Salmon Patties with Vegetables
Saturday ~ Steak with Onions & Grilled Tomato

3 Responses to “ New batteries for smoke detectors”

  1. Amber Says:

    I agree it is crazy if you buy more than you need you actually save money

  2. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Mmmmmm, your menu this week sounds yummy!!!

  3. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    Only Steak with Onions & Grilled Tomato is expensive meal there. Sausages & steaks are bought in family bulk packs and frozen in serving sizes. Salmon Patties, Apricot Chicken & rice are from my freezer and made in bulk too! Only omelet & tuna pasta meals are made on the day. Food for thought. This month I have started making soups for the freezer.

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