Home > Marmite Soup

Marmite Soup

March 13th, 2008 at 09:30 am

1 large onion
2 tomatoes
1 potato cut into thin strips
1 carrot cut into thin strips
2 tsp. marmite or Vegemite
1 quart (1250 ml) of boiling water

Fry onion a golden brown, boil carrots and potatoes till tender.
Boil and strain tomatoes to remove skins and seeds, dissolve marmite in a little hot water
To these ingredients add 1 quarts boiling water.
Lets stand on stove and simmer gently for about 10 minutes before serving.
A delicious marmite broth can also be made by dissolving 1 teaspoon of marmite in 1 cup of boiling water.
1952 recipe

Text is Vegemite and Link is

Text is Marmite and Link is

Text is Vegemite new add and Link is
Vegemite new add

Text is Nine 1996 - 40 Years Of Television - Old Commercials and Link is
Nine 1996 - 40 Years Of Television - Old Commercials

3 Responses to “Marmite Soup”

  1. shiela Says:

    I just can't eat vegemite, I've tried. It sure an acquired taste. It's really healthy though, full of Vitamin B.

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Interesting. I had to look up marmite. Learn something new everyday.

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    Do any of you watch Top Chef? The first episode of the new season was on last night, and the guy from New Zealand made a Marmite molasses for his pizza. The judges loved it, though they thought it was going to be horrible.

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