Home > A string in the tail of summer

A string in the tail of summer

February 23rd, 2008 at 09:45 am

It’s has been what summer up to yesterday, we had a lot of rain and most temperatures were around 27-28C since last October when we had temperature around mid -30C. Today it got to 40.2C here on our last week-end of our summer. I had the air-com most of today. I will budget for it in my next power bill. It’s only the third time I have had on since last summer. We will have about another few weeks of high temperatures around 28 -34C. I always think our summer start around the 4th week in spring and goes all the way until mid- April. Something like 8 months summer and 6 weeks of autumn (fall) spring and almost no winter. It’s cold here if it’s raining and below 7C. We don’t have snow where I live, if we did most of us would freeze as we don’t have heating in our homes.

I might add that 40C plus was very rare around SE-Queensland and I can only remember about 30 days at this temperature almost all in the last 4 years, so Climate Charge I think is here now. Our normal hot summer days here are around 28-38C max. (37C = 100F)

No Spending Days so far this month :~ 16

2 Responses to “A string in the tail of summer”

  1. NJDebbie Says:

    I grew up in the Caribbean and I long for this type of weather. Eight months of summer is fine by me! I think you are so lucky.

  2. davera Says:

    Kitty, if you're at the tail-end of summer in the Down-under, that means you're close to sending spring round to us here in the Up-yonder! Hooray, we're more than ready to clear away the snow and welcome back the birds!

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