Not so, with all planned down to fine detail, so I thought. As I always go to some else place for Christmas Dinner, I take a small gift as thank you. This year I thought I was right, but my son said not so. I have to buy gifts for another three, Mother and two children 18 months & 13 year old girls and their Mother the hostess twin. As I have a limit budget and this group likes expensive gifts and nothing is good enough. So just bought lotto tickets and adding extra gift for the hostess, and girls puzzle & stuffed toy for little one, but nothing was good enough so my son said that I pick for older girl, so in end buying a picture frame and small matching jewel box for nearly for price for all other gifts combined. I hope they like them.
So it was I saved nothing today.
Merry Christmas everyone.
And I thought I had all my shopping done!
December 24th, 2007 at 08:10 am