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Lunch in the city today!

June 27th, 2007 at 08:15 am

I went to the city to have lunch with my ex-work friends today! We went to Sizzler’s as usual, I just had the salad bar. Saving $2.00 with my senior discount so that another $2.00 for $20 challenge.

I did pay my credit card balance off in full. But as my internet bill was not on this, I had to ring to fine out why and make sure that I wasn’t cut off at end of this month. They did as no I would be and I would be charged for last month & next month on the next bill. Not happy with that but it was they problem not mine!

I bought some markdown organic pasta 1kg saving $1.50 and bacon bones to make pea & ham soup to-morrow.

Yesterday it rained all day but only light showers, my tank is full again! I now have enough water to last for a few months if didn’t rain for a while. I will use only full recycle & tank water for the next month or so.

Today’s Senior Card Savings - $2.00
Add to total$20 Challenge $69.30
My Spending today $445.00
Any Savings today $3.50

2 Responses to “Lunch in the city today!”

  1. fern Says:

    Can you tell us more about your tank? I don't think most Americans would know what you were talking about. Is it a tank/barrel that collects runoff rainwater from the roof gutters? How much does it hold?

  2. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    I'll will write a post about tanks here!

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