I dropped into the antique store and had a look around and end up buying a $3.00 very old cookbook with lots of old style recipes in it. It's instruction book for a refrigerator in the 1950's.
While I was out, I walk up to Hungry Jack's and had a free coffee $2.45 that's add to $20 challenge. It not bad for a treat now & then for 40c for ice cream cone that I have with it.
Here one of my favorites that I still make. This recipe is from the booklet above.
Peach Melba
Open a can of cling stoned peaches halves.
Put a half peach in each glass dish.
Fill centre with a good ice cream, pour over some raspberry syrup toping, then pile whipped cream on top of all.
Garnish with a maraschino cherry.
Vary this by using fruit syrup (peach) from the can instead of raspberry syrup topping.
Weekly Main Meal Menu
Sunday ~ Homemade Hot Curry Chicken Soup & Toast
Monday ~ Spaghetti Bolognese
Tuesday ~ Spicy Pumpkin & Sweet Potato with Lentils
Wednesday ~ Scramble Eggs on Toast
Thursday ~ Garlic Chicken Schnitzel with Tomato Salsa & Steamed Vegetables
Friday ~ Poached Fish with Steamed Vegetables
Saturday ~ Curry Ground Beef & Rice with Sambal
Today's Senior Card Savings - $2.45
Adding to total $20 Challenge $67.30
My Spending today $3.40
Any Savings today $2.45
I went for a walk today!
June 24th, 2007 at 09:09 am
June 24th, 2007 at 05:47 pm 1182703651