Home > It's raining here!

It's raining here!

June 6th, 2007 at 11:52 am

For the last 24 hours it's been raining on and off all day & night. Still more to come for next two days.

This is enough rain to fill our new tanks up and enough soaking raining around the dams that any more rain will start to run into the dams. It's needs over 50mm of rain each time for this to happen at the moment as the ground is SO DRY. Some areas have had over 100mm, around here over 50mm so far.

I went out last night and was in the city when the rain started. No money spent but I had free food. In mall, I saw the down pipe working in full force. We have roof on one the covers there, that make a water fall when it rains. The pond at the bottom was empty last time I saw it now it full then drains into water tank. They have made a large storage water tank under this area so that it can be used to water the gardens in the Mall.

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