Home > 52nd week’s Summary & end of this $$$ Stretching Challenge

52nd week’s Summary & end of this $$$ Stretching Challenge

April 27th, 2007 at 09:22 am

Challenge at 52nd week and end of this $$$ Stretching challenge.

Kitty’s Real Spending Total $12968.04
+ 2007 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $11469.07
= Full Price (RRP) Income Challenge $24149.11

Opening CC Balance $317.00 (In % free days period)
Kitty’s Opening Balance Rollover $648.00 ($265 Bill A/C)
$$$Money in - $1212.00
= Total Income Balance. $1860.00
Bills Total $339.00 + 262.00 CC = $601.00
Other Spending & Groceries $239.61
$$$ Money out = $840.61
Cash Banked in other A/C’s $138.00
Kitty’s Rollover Balance $ 881.39 ($400 Bill A/C*)
CC Balance $55.00 (No % free days period & to be paid next shopping day)
Major project bills outstanding = $360*

* (To be paid when my friend returns from a NZ holiday.)

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