Home > No Water for 40% food producing areas

No Water for 40% food producing areas

April 20th, 2007 at 10:14 am

Today I did very little in the way of saving money. But I did tidy up my garden and start pruning a few trees & shrubs in the front yard. The way I look at it, the less branches & leaves the tree has to feed the better. As we have very little water too water our gardens. I am doing my best to use only grey water.

Now by June 2007 Federal Government (Canberra) is going to stop allowing irrigation of our food crops in Murray Darling Basin which runs from north of Brisbane to all of NSW, Victoria & (South Australia which is they main water supply.) Only water for humans allowed.

Here are two links on this topic.

Text is Food source in drought and Link is
Food source in drought (now working)

Text is Irrigation cuts could fuel a rate rise and Link is
Irrigation cuts could fuel a rate rise

What will happen if we don’t get drought breaking rain before Summer (December) 2009?

BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Turkish Bread with Hummus Lettuce Tuna Marinated Feta with Marinated Peppers
DINNER Poached Fish with Salad Coffee

1 Responses to “No Water for 40% food producing areas”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Oh, dear. Very serious. I want to read more about this. Your first link did not work for me. Others can try this:

    My Aussie brother-in-law who is from a farm family was here one spring and helped me turn my home garden in the central USA. He was impressed with the kind of soil we have. Then when we made a trip to the rural area, he was surprised at the huge mono-crops. Where I live, few farms need irrigation. We have very deep topsoil that holds moisture nicely and we get a good amount of rain, about 40 inches per year....However, in the Great Plains states to the west of here, water is a big issue. The huge underground aquifer is running out of water. There is still year's worth, but it is definitely a problem.

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