Home > Color change instructions

Color change instructions

April 9th, 2007 at 10:34 pm

On top of each blog there are four buttons.
from the left
My Blog
My Control Panel
New Entry
Add to My Favorites

To change colors click on My Control Panel then click on Settings you will find that's where you can charge your colors. Follow instructions - Click the colored box next to each option and wait for a second for the color picker to open. Then pressing on the coloured boxes to get the colors (I used the named color section.) Just change a few colors at a time until you like the colors, you will need to type the number of the color next to area you are changing. Just delete the number and type in the new number. Once you have all colors numbers, you can then copy & paste the numbers into the areas you like.

To reset your colors back to the default, will take you back to the Blue (default) setting to what’s on the screens are now!
If someone can’t read your colors then they can use Blue (default) button to read it.

In Broken Arrow Blog has listed a couple of color tutorials:

Text is Broken Arrow – That new blog smell and Link is
Broken Arrow – That new blog smell

Well worth the look to get the colors looking like you want Smile to use Jeffery words.

edited to add too!

4 Responses to “Color change instructions”

  1. debtfreeme Says:

    if you get a page error what do you do? They won't change for me.

  2. Amber Says:

    Thanks for the tip

  3. shadon Says:

    LOL you have been hanging out on this blog too long if you are dropping the u from colour Wink

  4. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    Debtfreeme - I have never got page error so Ask Nate about that one in the Blog section in the forum area.

    Shadon - I spell it both ways as with a lot of my words I have been reading American books for many years now and many are very old 19th century one.

    Amber- I hope its a help, I did reply to someone post then thought I may need it later myself and would never find it again there.

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